Alternative Voices

But seriously . . . you make the call…

President Trump summons his friend, 1st major endorser, and Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions to the oval office, “We’re going to have to color outside the lines on this one, Jeff. I want you to recuse yourself from this Russia thing.”

“You can’t be serious, Sir.” says Sessions. “That would mean a special counsel for sure!”

who’s the puppet master

“Hear me out,” replies Trump. “My plan requires a special counsel. I need you inoculated from me to get the immigration/sanctuary city policy going. The recusal will be the start of our “feud”. I’m going to threaten to fire you. It’ll be in the Washington Post by morning. The swampers in the Senate (both sides) and the press will deify you, and you’re home free. I’ll tweet you some shade any time things get hot.”

“Hmmmm. could work,” muses Sessions. “What about the Russia probe?”

Trump gives that famous grin, “There’s no “there” there, let ’em look. They are so crazy with anger, they’ll select the most partisan agents the Bureau has on hand. Probably some that worked on the Clinton email/foundation cases. They’ll leak like sieves. The press will run it all. Eventually the dossier thing and the hack FBI agents will be exposed. How’s it going to look when the guys that soft pedaled the Clinton thing are the lead guys on the witch-hunt. Which leads us back to the Clinton stuff being re-examined. Not EVERY FBI agent is a liberal. It also will segue perfectly into our fake news narrative.”

“It’s risky Sir.”

Trump sighs, “What choice do we have? It’s going to be a rough couple of years, Jeff. The swamp and the press won’t go quietly. The feud starts now. I’m going to miss our socializing.”

Sessions rises and turns to leave, “I understand sir, it’s what I signed up for.”


President Trump says to his friend, 1st major endorser, and Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions, “WTF, Sessions?!? You recused yourself? Somehow you didn’t find that relevant when we discussed this job? Now I’ve got a Special Counsel to deal with.”

“Don’t take that tone with me Donny boy, I made you,” snarls Sessions. “Why I gave up my Senate seat to get on board this runaway train, I’ll never know. Tillerson’s right, you’re a moron.”

Trump’s glowering, “I’ll fire your sorry ass.”

“Try it!” retorts Sessions, “I’ve already talked to Graham, McCain and Chucky. Fire me and you’re toast. Did you forget I was part of that body? The press would roast you like a pig on a spit.”

Trump’s shoulders slump in resignation, “I guess all my friends are deserting me.”

Sessions says, “I’ll see myself out.”

Using Occam’s razor and the “reasonable man standard”, which scenario…..?

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

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2 Responses to Alternative Voices

  1. DLH says:

    Very thoughtful and impressively well done.

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