Chris Wallace says the darndest things . . .

Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 8.24.06 AMNext week, do you think that Chris Wallace will ask Hillary:

“Do you worry that there are many people who believe that you and Huma Weiner have a lesbian relationship?”

Nah. I didn’t think so. However, given a chance, he would likely ask Hillary if she thinks that Ben Carson is being used as a prop for black voters.

Or, “do you worry that it is so hard to live up to the picture of perfection which most voters have of you?”

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Josh Feldman reports at Breitbart
Chris Wallace to Ben Carson: ‘Do You Worry You’re Being Used as a Prop for Black Voters?

More on Chris Wallace style here:  Chris Wallace, to Michele Bachmann: “Are you a flake?” 


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One Response to Chris Wallace says the darndest things . . .

  1. DLH says:

    This is how it’s done…and it has worked over and over again. There may be widespread outrage over such slanders at first. But then, like the steady drip from a leaky faucet, subtle and not so subtle such comments become fixed in the public eye and before long even conservatives begin to adopt such characterizations…ie. Sarah Palin’s remark she never made,”can see Russia from my front porch”; Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m not a witch”; and this one that some obscure website lists as one of Michele Bachman’s “dumb quotes”, “The thing that I think that is getting a little tiresome is, the gay community thinks that they’ve so bullied the American people and they so intimidated politicians that politicians fear them, and so they think that they get to dictate the agenda everywhere.” -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, CPAC conference, March 2014, (hmm, is that really so ‘dumb’, as it is maybe a bit inaccurate…the gay community IS dictating the agenda, is it not?)
    Funny that Democrats never let their party buffoons’ ( Obama, Pelosi, Hillary, et al) “dumb remarks stick!

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