Reflections on THE proceedings


Her opening statement: A virtuoso performance! Obviously well-rehearsed…something a whole panel of lawyers, a bevy of drama coaches, and a host of political activists would put together and prepare Dr. Ford to appear before a truly pathetic bunch of political hacks posing as members of the “world’s greatest deliberative body”.

Oh the humanity!

Bottom line, from what is known about Dr. Ford, how she has approached this entire matter, the people she is surrounded with…this is a troubled lady. In our opinion, she does have serious emotional problems…but they are probably not a result of her alleged experience at the hands of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and perhaps not the result of the experience she claims at anybody’s hands.

And, if indeed she suffered such an experience, it is a legitimate question to ask whether her current “PTSD agony” was a result, or, a cause that may have exposed her to such an experience. Did her mental/emotional condition move her to put herself in a ‘compromisable’ position? That may seem to be unfair, but it would seem to be another legitimate area of inquiry which could be pursued.

All these “memories”, even the parts she cannot recall, revived by a “repressed memory” as part of a marriage counseling session, honed by political actors, working with her… a Democrat party activist, donor, and dedicated ideologue.

Who needs “corroboration”…we have a tearful witness, totally committed to her “story’!

All the “experts” are critical of the use and style of Rachel Mitchel and that it has been a major blunder to have used a ‘prosecutor’ instead of each GOP senator questioning Dr. Ford

However, it seems to us that the “experts” (including Rush) should withhold their criticism for more reflection on what was brought out.

We have seen a major point scored by Mitchel in exposing the delay imposed on the Judiciary Committee because “Dr. Ford does not like to fly”.

Really? Mitchel drew out of Ford the fact that she travels by air a lot! For vacations, in connection with her work, etc. Only the Democrats would not see that the ‘fear of flying’ was just one more step in the Democrat strategy to draw out the process so that a confirmation vote could not be taken, or if it was and Judge Kavanaugh is not confirmed, it would be too late for the president to nominate someone else before mid-term elections.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over!        DLH

Simply incredible

I was working my day job but was able to listen over the radio intermittently to Blasey Ford’s and Kavanaugh’s testimony.   In Blasey Ford’s case, from this vaunted college teacher I heard a teen voice in a  middle aged body with the tentative inflection at the end of phrases that is unbecoming an adult. Rush noticed as well.  When I viewed recaps on TV I saw a flaky appearing person whose hair I found distracting as can be.  Seriously, a grown woman allowing substantial whiffs of hair  to cover her face while she is giving supposedly serious testimony.  Call that superficial or worse on my part but indeed more important was her testimony . . . and that in substance was pathetic reflecting some sort of desperation by her and evil manipulation by her handlers. There was nothing new added from her mind’s chamber of horrors to add any credence to her specific accusations towards Kavanaugh.  They are simply incredible by virtue of sworn testimony of others and absolutely zero corroboration.

I agree with DLH that DOCTOR Mitchel (the new Democrat standard for addressing anyone with a “doctorate” in whatever) drew out some useful points but I feel she may have sinned on the side of too much deference to a person making a very serious unsubstantiated charge. I also agree that at best Ms Blasey Ford is a fragile person who never achieved emotional adulthood.  I think she is an adolescent opportunist imaginative prevaricator at best, her therapist ought to focus on that.   R Mall

More later

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2 Responses to Reflections on THE proceedings

  1. Hubert Pries says:

    I have prosecuted a lot of liars in my day and she fits the bill: 1) phony voice inflection trying to be the little Miss Innocent – bet you she has an entirely different style while lecturing; 2) can’t look the committee attorney in the eye; 3) answers only the questions she wants to answer, doesn’t know jack shit on the ones she doesn’t want to answer; 4)pretends stupidity about the English language so she can gain time with her lawyers telling her how to answer 5)inconsistencies in the “facts” she herself has alleged; and the list goes on. This woman has been coached and recoached.

  2. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    I dreamed this new FBI probe would find the emails, texts or other co-ordination with Dem staffers putting Ford up to this hit job.

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