Hoping to hear from Brennan’s other peers

What are their peers afraid of?


Again, where’s a public statement from all those dedicated fellow “agency” patriots who are ‘appalled’ by Obama’s corruption of their agencies?

12 ex-intel officials slam Trump for ‘ill-considered and unprecedented’ action against Brennan

“As individuals who have cherished and helped preserve the right of Americans to free speech — even when that right has been used to criticize us — that signal is inappropriate and deeply regrettable.”

The dozen stressed that while they don’t necessarily agree with comments made by Brennan, who’s become a frequent guest on liberal news channels, they believe he has the right to voice them.

The statement came just a day after the White House revoked Brennan’s security clearance following a review of access granted to several top Obama-era intelligence and law enforcement officials.

The Trump administration said Brennan “has a history that calls his credibility into question,” and accused him of “leveraging” the clearance to make “wild outbursts” and claims about the administration.

“The president has a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information and who has access to it, and that’s what he’s doing is fulfilling that responsibility in this action,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said.


The “Dirty Dozen” (or is it 13 now?) former intelligence “officials” who are unconsolably distraught over President Trump revoking the top security clearance of James Brennan confirms for me that our entire Intelligence apparatus is a frighteningly corrupt system.

We’ve addressed this in previous posts but every day, in various ways, it becomes more obvious and more troubling.

At one level, these dozen signatories expose an unbelievable ignorance of our basic Constitutional guarantee of “free speech”. Either that or they have chosen the most cynical and insulting approach imaginable to try to protect what they see as a personal ‘entitlement’.

For example, how does it impede John Brennan’s ability to continue to speak out, to insult the president of the United States, on national television, on a cable network dedicated to the destruction of this presidency?

Obviously, it doesn’t. However, when John Brennan has a top secret security clearance, he is perceived by not just the relatively uninformed audience for that network, but our allies and enemies throughout the world, as “having the “goods”…knowing ‘secrets’ no one else knows and therefore must be believed above anyone else.

When Brennan says Trump is guilty of “treason”, he is trading on his perceived ‘insider top secret knowledge’!

We believe it is a fair question to ask: “Exactly why does a government official keep his ‘top secret clearance’ when he leaves government service? And why is the “Dirty Dozen” so inflamed over President Trump threatening to end the practice?

We believe the answer to that question is ridiculously obvious. As suggested in the preceding, the secret clearance has a monetary value to the individual as Mr. Brennan is illustrating… in the extreme.

Perhaps more important, though, than these 12 or 13 former “intelligence officials” coming out in the most public way to defend Brennan and criticize Trump is what it reveals about their respective organizations.

These people have at various times, headed agencies and bureaus in the intelligence service. They have selected the people who report directly to them and greatly influence selections of the people who will in turn report to that level. And so on throughout the process.

These former officials have with this imprudent action revealed a very important truth. We are constantly told that the despicable actions of the most recent former top levels of our Intelligence, Justice, and law enforcement organizations should not be used to tar those lower level operatives in those organizations… those “hard working, patriotic, non-partisan, dedicated folks who put it all on the line to protect us ordinary citizens.” An illustrative example comes to mind. Peter Strzok was a 27 year employee of the FBI. He rose through the ranks to a high level, critical position within the bureau.

He has, now, at last, unequivocally been exposed as an extreme partisan, a dedicated ideologue, willing to personally take extraordinary action to defeat the legally expressed will of the American people!

So how did this guy rise through the ranks with this kind of temperament and political attitude? Or, did he just suddenly become a political activist when he attained a high level of responsibility?

I don’t think so. More importantly, are today’s ranks of our Intelligence, Justice, and law enforcement organizations rife with Peter Strzoks, recruited and promoted by the choices made by those among the “Dirty Dozen”?

If not, explain to me how the ‘most honorable’ Bob Gates rushes to defend the likes of a James Brennan. Doesn’t Gates anymore pay attention to recent events…what with his own “top secret clearance”?

What the “Dirty Dozen” have done, in my judgement may be even worse than what the detestable Brennan has done to our national intelligence apparatus with his proven lies to congress and the American people, and his public accusations against the duly elected President of the United States. Brennan and his buddy Clapper (one who always tries to be the “least dishonest” as he can) have even strongly suggested that ‘maybe Putin has something on Trump’!

And Bob Gates wants these two to keep their top secret clearances?!

Anf, finally, sprinkled throughout our nation’s highest Intelligence, Justice, and law enforcement organizations, who knows how many of those ‘hardworking’ folks , having been recruited, hired, and promoted share the partisan views and troubling ideology of these former highest level guys who cling jealously to their privileged status as secretly well-informed guardians of our Constitutional freedoms?

But, that’s just the opinion of one who doesn’t have ‘top secret clearance.     DLH

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2 Responses to Hoping to hear from Brennan’s other peers

  1. Hubert Pries says:

    Iraq 5 008.jpg

    Personally have no use for Gates. Hopefully above photo will post. It shows Gates in Mosul 12/5/07 more interested in feeding his face than meeting with the troops fighting the insurgents.

  2. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    I noticed they didn’t surrender their clearances in protest.

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