Agent 20535

Becoming less willing to assume what % of those “hardworking, dedicated,” lower level agents, lawyers, and other professionals employed by today’s deep state in Washington  all are incorruptible, loyal Americans (after all, who hired many of them?)

This Clarice Feldman article won’t calm the fears of those of us who have tried to keep up to date on the full extent of corruption in the DOJ and the FBI, which occurred during…and very likely directed by…the Obama political apparatus… if not personally directed by Obama himself.

To an extent, much of her piece is a rehash of what is already known and confirmed.

Some of it is not. But as it is put together by Ms. Feldmann, it is a valuable and frightening glimpse into how very dangerous the extent to which these agencies (departments) have evolved into a secret police, Kafkaesque justice system.

The revelations are so deep that I find it difficult to put my trust in any one of those 36,000 plus “hardworking, patriotic, putting it all on the line” agents and other professionals we hear so much about in discussing this subject. In order to persuade the American people that at worst, we are told, it is or was ‘just a few bad apples at the top of these organizations’.

There is, however, some bit of irony when you consider many of those “bad apples at the top” didn’t just join their respective organizations when Obama entered the Oval Office. Rod Rosenstein, for example and one of the worst of the “Deep State” denizens has been with the justice system since 2005, most of the time as a US Attorney.

Sally Yates more than 20 years; McCabe, with the FBI 18 years, and so on and so on. It needs to be noted that the long list of conniving, malicious subversives now being exposed were not plucked out of their long terms of loyal service and instantly corrupted by Barack Obama.

These folks worked in the system and were promoted and prospered in no small measure based on their character and ideological commitment. How many more of that “36,000” for example, are currently serving in lower or minor posts with Justice and the Bureau, working their way to those “top positions” where they alone can direct a ‘deep state operation’ of their choosing?

It is inconceivable to us that many of those ‘great Americans’ at the lower levels in DOJ and the FBI did not know what was going on and see the potential for incredible evil. That they remained there is not a great testament to their reputations for patriotism, unshakeable loyalty to their country, dedicated foremost ‘protectors’ of this nation’s citizens.

No doubt there are some, or even many, who may have not known what was really driving some of the actions they instinctively knew were questionable. Others may have been in roles in which they believed were being directed in good faith.

What should deeply concern us all as freedom-loving Americans, though, is that if we get another president like Obama, and a few more high level operatives like Eric Holder, Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok, Yates, et al, it is not unlikely that many of these ‘lower level dedicated people’ will serve them and their aspirations just as eagerly as they did throughout the last treasonous regime.

And finally, there was one sentence in Feldmann’s piece that leaped out at us, since it is a topic which has nagged us for some time, and despite writing to some of the leading conservative pundits and talk show hosts, we could never get an answer or even inspire their curiosity:

“Still nothing from Sessions’ designated U.S. Attorney Huber.”

(In reference to the above, is John Huber one of those “dedicated, honorable, hardworking, blah, blah…” or another shadowy up and coming ‘deep stater”?)



And, oh yes, the FBI maintains the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center as a source to learn ‘who’ a hate group’ is…great resource; read at

And, if you wonder how the FBI operates these days, read Molly Hemingway’s report on the Bureau’s methods and actions in support of one political party’s candidate against the other major political party. If this doesn’t alarm you, you must be a world class gullible Democrat…or just a member of the ‘mainstream’ media: ;

Old Prosecutors Speaking Frankly    (excerpts, we recommend the entire article)

About once a year the Society of Old Prosecutors meets in a private libation spot the name of which I am honor bound not to disclose. We met to discuss the week’s events and, as long as I don’t name the participants, I was given permission to share some of the talk. (Given the mad-dog operations of the Special Counsel some feared that to publicly state their views they’d be subject to midnight FBI raids with their nightgown-garbed wives rousted from bed and felt up by armed agents, or all their assets seized and their private correspondence unrelated to anything handed over to Democratic spinners like Lanny Davis to be megaphoned on CNN.)

Lawyer 1: The President is denying his former lawyer Cohen’s claim that he approved the meeting in Trump Tower. Funny that meeting, isn’t it? I mean, why did Loretta Lynch allow Natasha Veselnitskaya to have a special visa to enter the country and why did Natasha choose as her translator Anatoli Samochornov, who for over a decade was a U.S. State Department Translator?’ I’ve handled far weaker entrapment cases.
Lawyer 2: Funnier yet, the meeting was ostensibly to discuss Russian orphan adoption issues. But even if it had been to hear the dirt Russia had on Hillary, when and why and how would it be unusual or illegal for a campaign to want to hear dirt on a competitor? I mean, get real — Hillary paid for the Dossier which was confected by an anti-Trump former UK spy whose sources were all Russian. Not since I read Alice in Wonderland as a kid, have I seen such an upside down universe.
Lawyer 3:  Now speaking of the Dossier, how much longer will the FISC continue in operation after having rubberstamped over and again widespread spying on a political campaign based on the most idiotic of warrants? I cannot imagine a regular court granting these and FISC was, we were told by most (but not the late Robert Bork) that it would provide greater protections for citizens against unwarranted privacy intrusions.
Lawyer 1: DOJ and the FBI did some audacious tap dancing in those applications, didn’t they? Didn’t tell the Court they were relying on an unverified piece of campaign dirt gathering; didn’t tell the court it didn’t even know who the sources were that the author of the Dossier relied on. Used newspaper articles to justify the warrant! And then didn’t note that the articles were themselves part of Christopher Steele’s propaganda effort for Hillary. I’d have been disbarred had I ever tried such stunts.
Lawyer 2: And that’s not all — they twisted Carter Page’s history. For three years he acted as an informant and witness for the FBI and they reframed his history to make it seem he was “an agent of a foreign power who knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activity that may have involved criminal violations.”

We took a short break while we nibbled on some fine cheese with crackers and mango chutney. After the drinks were refreshed and the waiter left, the conversation continued.

Lawyer 4: It’s not only the lies in the warrant applications and the brutish search techniques that fully explain how Stalinist this whole business is. Look at the latest indictments. He indicts some Russian companies thinking they’d never appear and there’d be no trial, One enters an appearance, denied the charges, notes how idiotic the indictment was, as among other things, its names a nonexistent corporation, and demands discovery. He indicts 12 Russian officials knowing he has no jurisdiction over them, they won’t appear and the case will never go to trial and as an extra bit of partisan play tosses into the indictment claim that “an unidentified candidate for U.S. Congress requested and received” dirt from a hack, allegedly by these Russians, from Guccifer to whom they’d given the hacked material.
. . .                                . . .
Lawyer 1: No doubt the FBI and DOJ have been working furiously to cover up malfeasance on the part of their former (and perhaps some present) officials and of the flaws in these agencie’s procedures. We have to await the next report from the Inspector General to learn more about the misuse of FISA and the skullduggery involved in getting the warrant.
Lawyer 2: “Still nothing from Sessions’ designated U.S. Attorney Huber.”

Lawyer 3: “I think the president will eventually simply declassify the still redacted warrant applications. I think the last three indictments — of the Russia corporations, the intelligence officials, and the alleged spy — will not survive much longer.”

I added, “these three seem to be a futile attempt to persuade the public that there’s a reason to continue this farce. There isn’t, of course. It’s been a means of harassing the new administration for the crime of beating Hillary and her Deep State enablers.”

At this point the club lights started to flicker and we had to leave, but it’s likely it won’t be our last meeting.


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