In search of . . .

Have you ever had an epiphany? That “ah-ha” moment when the light bulb comes on (bell rings?) and you say to yourself, “Oh, THAT’S what it means.” Like Archimedes in the bath, I’ve had many “Eureka!” moments, but I’d never seen someone else have one.

Until recently.

A few days ago, I was at a friend’s house. We get together occasionally for an activity that’s strictly social. We don’t talk politics, it’s a time for fun, not conflict. We were well into our sitting when one friend, a Democrat, just blurted out, “You know, I think that son-of-a-(deleted) is going to serve out his whole term.”

We weren’t discussing politics at the time, it just came out, like a boil bursting. It seemed he’d been pondering this subject for some time, and at that moment it just became evident; Trump’s going nowhere.

Our game continued. After a few minutes I asked, “Before today, did you actually believe that Trump was going to be marched out of the White House and replaced?” No response. He seemed genuinely perplexed, so I didn’t push the issue.

Events like this don’t happen in isolation. It’s likely millions of Americans are coming to the same conclusion. Dreams of collusion, obstruction, impeachment, and Trump’s incarceration vanishing like tears in rain. Will these “woke” members of “the Resistance” be able to return to their slumber? Not without Ambien.

To those still dreaming of a “Blue Wave” this November, I offer this advice; Don’t buy a surfboard.

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

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