• A common refrain regardless of the facts

If there is one thing Democrats are good at, it is manipulating the opinions of the unwary, both regular Americans who do not hold necessarily strong political views as they go about their lives, as well as those who do pay close attention to the day’s political and current events news.The Democrat’s methods are both devious and loathsome.

Let us say, when the latest political “earthquake” was breaking, you had occasion to meet up with a couple of friends, one a staunch liberal, the other a Trump voter.

You asked each, “what do you think of Trump’s characterization of some countries from which a lot of migrants come?”

I’m betting you would hear similar comment from each of your friends: “He shouldn’t have said it.” Their interpretations would have differed, as would their estimate of the fallout from the president’s remark.

But the reaction is always the same: “He shouldn’t have said it; it was ‘unpresidential'”.

Yes, it wasn’t “presidential” by the way the liberal media interprets it for you

For Trump to go on national television, and in an address to the American people, to call other countries ‘shitholes’ is reprehensible!


Trump’s alleged comment was made in a private meeting in connection with serious discussion and debate on very serious issues. The president’s language in this setting would be shocking only to the residents of your nearest cloistered convent…and maybe not even there.

In this case, Mr. Trump was attempting to emphatically make a very real point, and his terminology is of the kind used in factories, board rooms, offices, and construction sites, and maybe even your living room, all over this country when the speaker wishes to emphasize a strongly held view.

Trump’s characterization had no racial , ethnic, or religious connotations. It spoke to the truly awful conditions in countries all over the world, not just in the two specifically mentioned. Those conditions are the result of the policies and oppressive actions of despotic, dictatorial regimes and they produce a population uneducated, poor beyond belief, bereft of hope, and in desperate need of the basic human necessities.

Mr. Trump’s point and the aims he has dedicated his efforts to as president are to assure that America will not continue to sink toward such a fate as it has for the past 8 years, or longer…but rather to regain and secure the long -held greatness of this country.

His point is that there are many, many nations with millions, even billions of people of all races, religious beliefs, and ethnic backgrounds all over the world, living under the conditions he describes in one less than elegant word.

America cannot bring all of them who wish to come here and share the benefits which our nation’s legacy of values, governing principles, and basic goodness which has evolved and increased, and improved for over two centuries.

Instead,political, business, and religious leaders in America should work to find solutions to the real causes and conditions in the world which we can address…as a strong, prosperous, compassionate nation, and not as a weakened, divided collection of radical interest groups dividing up the nation’s wealth while contributing nothing to sustaining and growing it.

And this is the point, President Trump needs to make to the people of the USA, often and forcefully, if not as ‘inelegantly’…but actually, maybe, he should use such blunt language if that is what it takes to raise the awareness and insure the commitment of this nation to address the real problems of the world!

But here is where the liberals, socialists, the far left of all stripes, and the current leadership of the Democratic party work to undermine President Trump’s positive vision and hope to destroy his presidency.

The latest ploy to do this is a familiar one for the Dick Durbins, Nancy Pelosis, Barack Obamas, and every other influential Democrat: Take the occasion of a genuine effort by the president to meet in private, to candidly, openly, honestly, and in good faith discuss and debate all viewpoints with the purpose of reaching a viable, effective agreement which moves the various goals, aims, needs of all parties toward mutual resolution of serious issues which ultimately produce progress and positive outcomes, first for America, and to the greatest possible extent, for all peoples of the world.

But that’s not the Democratic Party left ‘s operating strategy. Instead,they take the occasion to find something in Mr. Trump’s words, speaking style, mannerisms, or beliefs which can be distorted, misrepresented, or exploited to portray him as insensitive, racist, uncaring, etc; then to leak those words, positions, etc, to a national media which shares the goals of the left, who will further distort and frame the treacherous disclosure to produce the most negative possible image of the president.

In this case, the private meeting’s purpose, the true nature of the issues it was intended to address, the process to achieve agreement…all of that is obscured in order to exploit and emphasize the negative portrayal.

In its final version, the entire occasion Is presented as though Mr. Trump only wished to use a national forum to disparage a race of people he despises.

And thus, the media has achieved what it sought: Liberal Democrats opinion of Trump’s “racist” heart is confirmed; the president’s supporters are shaken by his “insensitivity”, his “vulgarity”, and his “refusal to negotiate in good faith”:

“HE SHOULDN’T HAVE SAID IT”. Score another one for the treacherous Democratic Left.


(P.S. Are you listening, Mia Love?)

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