Enough of Tuesday Group & Promises Promises

From the stage musical Promises Promises — “I’ll Never Fall in Love Again” seems apt,  although falling in love with died in the hide RINOs would not pass the upchuck test.

Primary the “TUESDAY GROUP”

The actions, rather the inaction, of the current GOP “leadership” are nothing more nor less than “Election Nullification”.

Mitch McC and Paul Ryan are clearly telling the 60M plus voters who, last November, kept them in power and sent a presidential candidate to Washington who campaigned on a strong conservative agenda, that their votes meant nothing!

The only thing that makes any sense now if America is to halt its decline into socialism and global irrelevance is the primary election alternative.

Unless Paul Ryan, the “Tuesday Group”, Mitch and his band of dishonest frauds are replaced in the coming primary races and those to come in years ahead until they’re cleared out, general elections will mean nothing.

Susan Collins is a great example of the treachery of the GOP’s RINO faction: Susan runs as a Republican, campaigning as though she was the biggest arch-conservative voters could ever send to the Senate, making solemn promises she never intends to keep once comfortably ensconced in her senate office. Her voters in Maine undoubtedly know what a deceitful rogue she is, but they vote for her so that the GOP retains a majority in the senate.

When she gets there, even her voters know what she will do, or not do. But, goodness knows, if Susan doesn’t win, and if just two or three others, i.e.. the Arizona “Flake”, or McCain, or Murkowski, don’t win, Democrat Chuck Schumer would be Senate Majority Leader!

Even if Mitch McConnell were not, himself a deceitful member of the DC establishment, he is at best, a political coward. He is loathe to discipline in the customary political way, Senator Collins for many acts of defiance toward the agenda she campaigned to support.

Mitch would be fearful that the “lady” would then pull a “Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords” trick and switch parties.

Well,”Breaking news”, GOP voters:

a) yes, she probably would!

b) do you really think that Chuck Schumer doesn’t already run the Senate?

c) finally, as John Nance Gardner, FDR’s VP once said of his job, your vote in the general elections is “not worth a bucket of warm p–s”, as long as the the candidates you help put on fall ballots are of the Collins, McCain, Flake, et al ilk!

In our humble opinion, the time has come, in fact it is past time, that the US Chamber of Commerce and the various other “non-partisan” special interest groups are stopped from nullifying your vote and that of a majority of Americans!

Primary Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, and all of their dishonest colleagues! In sending these people back to Washington time and again, not only does it make little difference than if the other party is in power, conservative voters are saddled with the added humiliation of being scammed over and over while the world looks on wondering whatever happened to the United States of America?


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