Ass Clowns

Some days ago the Scott County Democrat Party had their annual picnic .  We presume it is intended as a family friendly affair, in a Marxist big-government en loco parentis way to be sure.  De rigueur is someone parading in a Trump costume. Now Republicans by and large have to be very careful and would be castigated for putting up in an Obama mask and doing anything other than kneeling before it.

At the SC Dem family affair  (scarcely attended we bet as the newspaper articles did not report numbers) they offered  lots of candid pictures, including these. 

So the idea at the dunk-tank event is to throw things, in a manner of speaking, at Trump and dunk him.  What message does that send to adolescents and children at such an event?   Notice the T-shirt of the guy taking his turn in the dunk tank. . That is actually one that Democrats like to parade around in in general.  More like ass-clowns

Then there is this one which we post hoping for a caption.


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One Response to Ass Clowns

  1. GUS says:

    These could be your neighbors. Some day, eager to turn in you in for ‘anti-state’ thoughts.

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