Everybody’s had one

They come in all forms. It could have been a (step) parent. The neighbor lady, Maybe a teacher. Might have been a boss, spouse, or landlord. I’m referring to the person in your life who you cannot please. You may or may not know why, but you are on their “list”.

It doesn’t matter what you do, how hard you try, or what you say, you’re wrong. Damned if you do or don’t. There’s no hiding, they seek you out. They criticize, sabotage, and embarrass. Not satisfied with the damage they alone can do, they’re in a constant state of recruitment. A mission to make others share their disdain. You are the nail, they’re looking for hammers.

What does one do? Often the recipient of the abuse tries to compensate by redoubling their efforts to placate the tormentor. That’s a fool’s errand. Any effort to assuage the anger is only met by more.

Eventually, most learn to ignore the din. The abused realize the fault doesn’t lie within them. The mindset of the hater can’t be changed. At this point, the victim becomes free.

I see a parallel between this “Cinderella” situation and the media’s coverage of President Trump. I read every day and cannot recall a single Democrat saying or the media reporting anything positive about Trump. This constant barrage of criticism is having a numbing effect.

Right now, this Russia/Trump collusion story is nearly a year old. Hearings, investigations and rumors have been plastered in the headlines daily. What do we have as evidence? Zippo!

At this point in time, we have the Trump supporters viewing these “reports” as fake news and ignoring them. The Democrats see them as gospel. Eventually, when this Russia/Trump/Impeachment bubble gets popped, and Jim Comey, Susan Rice or Jane Sanders come under serious scrutiny, what happens to the Democrats’ view of the media? Will they then adopt the “fake news” mantra? You can bet on it. Are the conservatives coming back? No way. The news reporting industry is heading toward a reckoning. They’re “dead men walking” and they don’t see it coming. The anger clouding their minds has destroyed their ability to think. Good.

Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

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One Response to Everybody’s had one

  1. DLH says:

    A good analysis. Just one note: Unlikely the “Russia/Trump/Impeachment Bubble” will get “popped”. Bob Mueller is enjoying this gig too much to give it up for something as trivial as complete lack of evidence. And, even more likely there will be no serious scrutiny to befall Comey, Rice, or Jane Sanders. For Susan Rice and Ms. Sanders, the view of the media will be that only the most sexist reporter or pundit would chase either of these stories. As to Comey, perhaps it would be opposition to “excessive height bias” that is likely to get him excused from appropriate media attention.

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