She has been so right on all things Trump


Her advice: Tell Hillary Clinton’s campaign that someone has offered to provide “disparaging” information against her

Having sufficiently defiled and blackened the image and reputation of Donald Trump, Jr. over the “Russiaburger” (no meat, no relish, served without bun), will ‘Miss Peggy’ surely turn her attention to the other side of this non-issue, on which there is far more substance.?

Unfortunately Ms. Noonan will probably not be inclined to do so. For the ‘renowned conservative” columnist to present the other side of the story totally undermines all of her predetermined conclusions and would expose her affections for establishment Republicans and Democrats to question.

In her latest column, Noonan establishes that Donald Trump, Jr. is a “bumptious oaf ” who thinks himself sophisticated.

She then helpfully informs her readers who the really wise and sophisticated folks in Washington are.

She invokes the undeniable wisdom and judgement of Lindsey Graham, recalling the senator’s exhortation to President Trump’s FBI nominee last week. Graham pleaded with the nominee that, if he, himself, or other politicians “get a call from somebody suggesting that a foreign government wants to help you by disparaging your opponent, please tell us all to call the FBI.”

Oh Lindsey, we must all fervently hope that your sad, plaintive appeal for advice on how to handle such a situation will not fall upon deaf ears!

The always helpful Peggy added her own advice to Lindsey’s and his fellow politicians’: “…send word of the contact to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign that you have not and will not respond. Because…(that would help)…our political civilization.”

The other side of this story probably lies within the information presented in this piece in the “conservative tree house”. Such a likelihood, though, would most certainly heighten Ms. Noonan’s fears that her own ignorance could be exposed.

The “Vast Russian Conspiracy” Was One of Two Available Narratives…



A personal observation we’d like to make regarding another aspect of the “Russia, Russia…” journalistic disgrace:

A panel discussion Saturday morning on FOX involved a group of presumably regular ‘Moms” discussing their take on the Russian “scandal” besetting the Trump presidency. Most of the group pretty much dismissed it as an attempt by the media to impede any progress by the Trump administration and had become very boring while other more important issues were being ignored.

One “Mom”, however, expressed a view that is often heard or published, especially by many Washington politicians and political pundits. It is occasionally repeated by regular Americans:

It goes something like this: “I am tired of hearing about this story. But there’s some new revelation coming out almost every day. I believe that the Trump people should be forthcoming about this matter and just ‘put it all out there’, everything about the ‘Russia thing’ and then we can move on.”

In our opinion, an interesting position. It is one that we believe is a position firmly espoused by two types of people:

1.- corrupt Democrats in congress and the party’s leadership, and by many “never-Trumpers” in both parties, the pundit class, and the media. This ‘type’ is well aware of the disingenuousness of this assertion. They dishonestly express it knowing full well that a “full disclosure of everything” is not possible and the sincerest attempt to do so would not put the matter to rest so the nation could “move on” to address the really important issues. They want to feed on it. They know and fervently hope for as much information as they can get, however genuine and in good faith it is proffered. These are that unique breed of political animal whose greatest skill is in turning and distorting positive information on a political opponent into damning misrepresentation.

2.- the other type, likely their views sincerely held, is a segment of the regular, ordinary American. These are the politically naive who go about their business of working a 40 hour week, raising a family, trying to keep up with the world around them by skimming a newspaper or catching 20 or 30 minutes of “news” on TV or radio.

For the latter  it is probably inconceivable that they would be held accountable for, or have their most innocuous remarks or actions…some going back months or even years, recalled and picked apart in the most distorted, malicious, or negative terms.

To truly believe that the administration should “just put everything about their Russia “connections” out there and be done with it”, these are people who would have to believe that they lead such uncomplicated lives that they would never need to recall their every conversation, activity, or interaction every minute of every day over the past 2, 5, 10 years or longer, however minor or innocuous.

They would have to believe that virtually every action or meeting or conversation they have had is not possibly or likely to have been recorded, subject to revision to mislead or mischaracterize.

They would have to believe that every person they have interacted with over the years always had their best interests at heart.

These would be folks who cannot imagine how their most innocuous remarks could be turned into the appearance of wicked intent.

Could they “put everything out there” regarding their movements, relationships, and conversations and not have forgotten or misremembered something which could not be distorted to reflect other than reality?

These are people who probably have never met a man like Robert Mueller or a typical CNN reporter, or a nasty politician like a Maxine Waters. They’ve probably never experienced the treacherous, tenacious, intrusiveness of a bitter political opponent.

No, Virginia, “putting it all out there” will not stop, or even slow that “drip, drip” you are so tired of.


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