Where is the “there” on Trump firing someone who serves at his pleasure


The media, including Fox, as well as the usual “Democratic base” (the media) are in a frenzy over “contradictions” in the White House announcements over the firing of “Big Jim” Comey.

The initial announcements seemed to suggest that the decision was based on the recommendation of newly confirmed Deputy Attorney General Ron Rosenstein.

In a subsequent interview (actually more like a rather rude “interrogation”) with Lester Holt, Trump said that he had decided to sack Comey regardless of what Rosenstein recommended.  HE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO.

Wow! What a contradiction! The press is going giddy about it.

Sorry, but being just your everyday dunce I see very little of a “contradiction”. Seems to me that it is possible, likely, and understandable to have a well thought out course of action in mind, seek some independent analysis to test one’s assumptions, then determine if anything has arisen to change one’s mind, and then, after determining there is nothing, to go ahead with the original action.

Doesn’t seem contradictory or illogical to me…but, that’s just me.     DLH

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