Justice would be be sanctions against Houston DA / Planned Parenthood shill

Charges dropped against prolife activist David Daleiden for exposing this sort of thing at Planned Parenthood:

Screen-Shot-2015-07-28-at-5.28.10-AM(Tweet from the accused set forth below)

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And we hope they are charged, but not only should Planned Parenthood (PP) be charged for clear violations of the law for its selling of aborted baby parts (an investigation is underway in Texas,) but the Harris County Distinct Attorney’s office in Texas (Houston)  should be sanctioned for its malicious prosecution of David Dadeiden who caught and exposed them on tape.  There should also be ethical sanctions for conflicts of interest in this matter throughout the Harris DA office (she is a shill for PP) and failure to recuse or refer any contemplated charges.

Two succinct write-ups of the story are contained in, first this from National Right to Life:

All charges dropped against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt
Produced undercover videos exposing attitudes of high ranking PPFA officials 

A time-line and recitation of the extensive conflicts of interest of  prosecutors in Texas and California where Daleiden has been charges is contained in this LifeNews.com write-up.

D.A. Dismisses All Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood

And then there is this, the head of the worlds largest abortion syndicate honored guest of Bill and Hillary Clinton:

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The Pro-Abortion Party — excerpt from Gary Bauer CFWF Newsletter.

If anybody needs a reminder of how important this election is, consider this. Last night, as Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders were speaking, Bill Clinton was seated in the gallery. Sitting next to him was Cecile Richards, the head of Planned Parenthood and the woman most responsible for the destruction of innocent unborn children in the United States.

That Richards was rewarded with the honored position of sitting next to the former president and the nominee’s spouse on the opening night of the convention tells you everything you need to know about the extreme pro-abortion views of Hillary Clinton and her party. And they are extreme. . . .

R Mall

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