Indiana Republicans — the direction of the country is in your hands

Readers are asked to encourage their Indiana contacts to support Ted Cruz

These two articles put the situation in perspective, please commend them to your contacts.

From political analyst Dick Morris:

Trumps narrow window (and Cruz’s)

Here’s how Trump’s world looks.

He’s got to win in Indiana, where 57 delegates are at stake. But Indiana is likely to be as hard for him as Wisconsin was — harder, actually. Hoosier Republicans dumped sitting Sen. Dick Lugar in the 2012 elections and nominated Richard Mourdock, a staunch conservative in the Cruz model, who then got tripped up by the rape-related abortion question. Trump needs to win the state’s 30 at-large delegates — based on a statewide plurality — and at least four or five of its nine congressional districts. It’s a very tall order.

And the billionaire also has to sweep California, do well in Washington, hold his own in Oregon and win his share of proportionate delegates in New Mexico and West Virginia.

The likelihood is that he falls short — probably about 100 votes short — of his cherished first-ballot majority.  (snip)

But Cruz’s window is just as narrow.

The Texas senator must start winning primaries, something he hasn’t done in three weeks. It will be very hard to get off the mat and start piling victories. But unless he performs, he goes home.

Most likely, the process resolves itself with hand-to-hand fighting over the moving pieces: North Dakota’s 28 delegates (unbound, but initially for Cruz); Colorado’s 37 (ditto); and Pennsylvania’s 54 unbound district delegates. That’s approximately 100 unpledged delegates who are not bound by state rules to vote for the winner of their state’s primary.

And long dead Marco Rubio will get to play his hand. If he were to release his delegates, most would likely go for Cruz and some for Kasich. But a few might find their way to Trump.

David Limbaugh imparts what is at stake in Indiana’s Tuesday primary

Cruising to Indiana 

Though I won’t go so far as to say the Indiana primary is do-or-die for the Ted Cruz campaign, it couldn’t be much more important. As events have unfolded, Indiana has a critical choice to make next Tuesday.

It shouldn’t surprise political observers that Donald Trump won decisively in New York and the other Northeastern states. I don’t mean to disparage Republicans in that region, but they are more liberal than Republicans elsewhere in the United States, and Trump is far more acceptable to liberal Republicans than Cruz is, especially on social issues.

But the race isn’t over. Trump will still have great difficulty acquiring 1,237 delegates before the Republican National Convention. No, Cruz can’t reach 1,237 before the convention, but he very well could reach that number if Trump doesn’t, either, and the race goes to a second ballot.


It goes without saying that in a free country, we have a right to support whomever we want. No voter is more legitimate than another. But what rankles me is the argument from many Trump supporters that Trump is the only outsider.

Truth be told, Cruz has been fighting the insiders — from within — much longer than Trump, who actually has never fought them in reality. Trump has only done so rhetorically, and then only recently, during this campaign. Most of his adult life, Trump has supported liberal causes and liberal politicians. Cruz never has, and that should make a major difference to voters in terms of which of the two they can trust.


My calculus is rather simple. The problems we face are overwhelmingly the result of liberal policies of the past 50-plus years. The federal government has expanded to an unconscionable level, wholly against the constitutional order and at the expense of our liberties and prosperity. Onerous taxing and spending, a metastatic regulatory state, a liberally activist Supreme Court, and sustained, relentless assaults on the Second Amendment, our health care, our fiscal viability, our military, our national security and our very culture have radically transformed America.

These problems stem from abandoning our Constitution and founding principles, so the solution is to restore those principles and roll back the federal leviathan. Many believed 2016 presented a perfect opportunity for the election of a true constitutional conservative who intimately understands this. Cruz couldn’t fit that bill more perfectly.

Though Trump supporters believe that Trump alone is qualified to undo the damage to this country, Cruz supporters rightly believe that Trump, with his emotionally driven, nationalistic populism, has hijacked the conservative movement just at a time when it is poised to save this nation from the ravages of liberalism.

Trump sings the right notes when he talks about making America great again. But Cruz is the one who has the right answers to actually restoring America’s greatness.

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