Aronofsky’s No-account Atrocity

Regarding Noah the movie starring Russell Crow directed by Darren Aronofsky . . .

This drawing has more serious artistry than the movie Noah

This drawing has more serious artistry than the movie Noah

We were sort of hoping for a Cecil B DeMille extravagant Biblical epic. Forget it. KK who is very studied in the Bible started cringing early on. I insisted we stay until we couldn’t eat anymore of the bottomless popcorn as it would be the only way we could redeem any of the  loss on the ticket price.  I wish we had our two hours back, the cost of the tickets, and the Pepto Bismol for the popcorn overdose. It was pretty horrid.

This review by Matt Walsh describes the movie sub-plots sequence and ridiculousness very accurately. It is a great read in itself.  The movie is not even worthy for dvd rental down the road for people who did not make our mistake.  Four retches.    R Mall

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One Response to Aronofsky’s No-account Atrocity

  1. Designated2 says:

    Readers may not know that Noah and company wore pants, had what appeared to be soled shoes, and fashioned what looked like welding helmets for work and war.

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