The Crank At His Best — Ryan’s Hopeless

At the very start of budget negotiations, the GOP’s tough, savvy bargainer, Paul Ryan, extracted a commitment from his Democrat counterpart, Sen. Patty Murray. And, while nearly all of her Party’s demands were met in the course of the often bitter give and take, Murray stood by her pledge: “If you like your boxer shorts, Paul, you can keep your boxer shorts. Period!” (Who said Ryan came out of the budget negotiations with nothing?)

If this is “winning”, I don’t want to see “losing”

Pundits on both sides of the political divide are now predicting that the Republicans are poised for a big win in the 2014 mid-term elections.

I have to agree. I think 2014 is going to see the Republican Party achieve its biggest election victory since Mitt Romney won the presidency in 2012!

We conservatives can all be proud of Paul Ryan and the way he outfoxed Patty Murray in their budget negotiations. Ryan’s accomplishments are described in accurate detail in Roger’s collection of articles outlining what the GOP conceded in order to avoid another government “shutdown”.

Having pocketed all of the gains achieved in the budget negotiations, Ryan and John “No More Tears” Boehner, with the aid of that wildly unfettered capitalist organization, the US Chamber of Commerce, will move on early next year to wrap up the Hispanic vote for the GOP by getting the “comprehensive immigration” (that’s spelled a-m-n-e-s-t-y) bill passed. In addition, I think , just to insure their impending smashing election victory, the Republicans will also demonstrate their heartfelt compassion by increasing the minimum wage , possibly to a level even higher than Obama seeks. And, does anyone think us sensitive and caring Republicans can really allow unemployment benefits to end for millions of “hurting” Americans?

Although their court packing scheme is now complete and every controversial Obama appointee has been safely ensconced, and the Benghazi and IRS phony scandals are behind us, Democrats will be loudly expressing their dismay over the disastrous spending reductions the Republican House has imposed in this spending bill. Can the GOP remain insensitive to their concerns? Might they not be risking another government shutdown by their stubborn unwillingness to compromise?

Oh yes, and that pesky Affordable Care Act, now very safely funded as a result of Ryan’s deft negotiations. Mitch and John and Karl and the RNC will carefully avoid openly criticizing it lest they be accused of politicizing the issue. They will shrewdly allow it to “collapse on its own” with the Democrats taking full blame. (And you thought Republicans aren’t strategic thinkers?)

And, finally, with those Wacko Bird Tea Partiers at last put in their place, the Grand Old Party will graciously allow them to vote for their “high quality” candidates. After all…where they gonna go?       DLH

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2 Responses to The Crank At His Best — Ryan’s Hopeless

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Paul Ryan hopeless, eh? Well, this should let you rest easy then-


    Seriously though, how is The Whale running in 4th? I like Huckabee, but come on. And Perry? I’m not riding the pony again into the primary like last time.

  2. Gus says:

    Yes, Roy. If Iowa GOP folks like their Paul Ryan, they can keep him. Period.

    As Breitbart reports:
    House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has doubled down on his move to cut pensions for military veterans in a USA Today op-ed published Sunday.

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