There’s A Lot That Should Baffle Debbie Wasserman Schultz

energizerObama2WebCR7-1-11There’s a lot of comedy material coming out of the Obama administration and the media with respect to sequestration these days. Sadly, it’s not intended to be funny. It just is, funny and very sad. Obama’s speech last week, with police and firemen serving as props, could have easily been mistaken for a Saturday Night Live comedy sketch. Obama surprisingly didn’t break into tears as he recited the terrible devastation which is to be visited on this land if those vile Republicans refuse to ask the very rich to pay a little bit more in taxes.

Maybe a quote to come out of all this somewhat underscores the risk Our Dear Leader may be taking with his scare tactics:

“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens. And Republicans say: See, that wasn’t so bad.”

There’s a thought no doubt shared but unspoken by every Democrat in Congress. What if they threw a calamity and nobody came?

Then there’s this gem among another listing of the awful consequences Americans face if the Federal government, because of sequestration, is only able to spend (er, borrow) $15 billion more than last year:

“Visitors to Yosemite might trample the shallow roots of Giant Sequoias and one fifth of school children who learn about the turning point of the Civil War by visiting Gettysburg will be deprived of the opportunity.”

Oh no! Our children will not know about the turning point of the Civil War if they’re unable to visit Gettysburg. Presumably, several generations of Americans have no knowledge about the turning points in World War II…deprived as they were for lack of federal government spending to have been able to visit Normandy and Hiroshima. My Gosh! What have us skinflints done to our children!?!

And this from the Democratic party’s most prominent intellectual, Debbie Wasserman Schultz:

debbie-wasserman-schultz-debbie-wasserman-schultz-outof-touc-politics-1323784588“You’re going to have massive indiscriminate cuts to education, to health care research…grants that won’t get funded. If a university isn’t able to hire a researcher…or a grant doesn’t come through…that researcher never does groundbreaking work that could save thousands of lives later on down the road. It’s irresponsible for our economy and the impact on it. It’s irresponsible in terms of the impact on the middle class and working families. The only ones who get protected are the wealthiest, most fortunate Americans. It’s just baffling. How (the Republicans) could possibly continue to only care about people who are already doing really well…the only ones that would be shielded from the impact of sequester cuts?”

I imagine there’s a lot that “baffles” Debbie Wasserman Schultz. But it doesn’t stop her from delivering in the most passionate, caring, lovable manner the stupidest comments any public figure has made…with the possible exception of Matt Damon, Whoopi Goldberg, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Joe Biden…oh well, you get the idea.

Here’s a thought for DW Schultz to ponder: Maybe, the loss of funding for research isn’t as damaging as she thinks. There’s a good chance that that researcher whose work was going to save thousands of lives in the future was never allowed to be born. Maybe Dr. Carhart even dispensed with him or her in one of his proud late term abortions. You know the kind. Those that DW Schultz fights alongside her Democratic colleagues to preserve at virtually all costs.          DLH

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One Response to There’s A Lot That Should Baffle Debbie Wasserman Schultz

  1. Gus says:

    Veritas reporting two days ahead of Rush:
    “The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens. And Republicans say: See, that wasn’t so bad.”
    Rush limbaugh reported this story on Tuesday, days after Veritas readers were informed on the great fear that Democrats have over the Sequestration; Obama throws a calamity and nobody shows up! Good observation!

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