Victor David Hanson — Provides A Good Start to Understanding the Election

No column has done better than this in summarizing, in great detail (an
oxymoron?), where the American majority’s psyche is today and how it has been
shaped. Victor Davis Hanson’s problem identification and solutions are rather abstract but this article clearly, perhaps depressingly, shows readers just what desperate straits the world’s “Great Experiment” is in!    Read Learning from the Election here.

It is also well worth reading for anyone who wants to understand how the
most destructive president in US history could win reelection.     DLH

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One Response to Victor David Hanson — Provides A Good Start to Understanding the Election

  1. Roy Munson says:

    This was a pretty good piece. Charisma plays the most into Presidential elections anymore I believe. Actually it seems to be almost always true from reading the election results from the last 30 years. Voters are stupid (especially when Chicago Obamabots are bussed into Iowa towns telling them who to vote for). Or when Obama campaign offices NEVER shut down.

    Romney was the abundantly obvious choice as a successful Businessman and Governor to lead us through these crazy times, but hey he didn’t have Obama charisma! Plus the Obama campaign called him a felon and even ran an ad saying he was responsible for a womans death. This summer smear framing was pretty damaging imo.

    The racial component in this piece about the Susan Rice had me nodding my head. Condoleezza Rice can just get unloaded on in every way possible during a SOS nomination….yet when Susan Rice’s name is floated for the same post it is racism/sexism to pushback against her. Even though she lied over and over and over and over and over and over again in one day about the Bengazi attacks on 10 different talk shows.

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