You Will Kindly Answer the Questions

  • -“Are you, or, have you ever been a member of the Tea Party?”  (*Will that be a standard inquiry to any American who has been “observed”  in “burgeoning radicalism”)?
  • “It has come to our attention that you are a member of the NRA. Of course, that’s entirely legal but we’ve learned that you have a very impressive gun collection, including some assault rifles. Is that true”?
  • “A classmate of your daughter has said that she has been aware of occasions on which  your gun cabinet was left unlocked. I would hope that a gun enthusiast, like yourself, would want to be sure that your collection is secure. Don’t you?”
  • “We understand that you often visit the ‘Firing Line” shooting range. Is that true? Are you training for something?”
  • “According to sources you have written several letters to the editor of the local newspaper suggesting that the federal government is ‘overreaching’. Would you describe yourself as ‘anti-government’?  Are some of your close friends ‘anti-government’?”
  • “Are you a member of a militia?”
  • “Your ex-wife has suggested that you have a somewhat violent temper…and that you have blamed the court system for what you believed was an unfair divorce settlement. Have you ever harbored thoughts about getting ‘even with the court?’
  • “Well, thanks for coming in. Perhaps we will have occasion to meet again.”

Stalin had his Lavrenty Beria, Castro had his Che Guevara, Hitler had his Heinrich Himmler, Obama has…nah, can’t happen here

Heads up thanks to Bonnie Kristian writing at The Week.  Holders press release can be found on the DOJ Website.  Excerpts are found below.

Does this include the confessional?

The DOJ to train community leaders to spot ‘radicals’ to counter violent extremists

. . . And we have engaged in extensive outreach to communities here in the U.S. – so we can work with them to identify threats before they emerge, to disrupt homegrown terrorists, and to apprehend would-be violent extremists.  But we can – and we must – do even more.

“Today, I am announcing that the Department of Justice is partnering with the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Counterterrorism Center to launch a new series of pilot programs in cities across the nation.  These programs will bring together community representatives, public safety officials, religious leaders, and United States Attorneys to  improve local engagement; to counter violent extremism; and – ultimately – to build a broad network of community partnerships to keep our nation safe.  Under President Obama’s leadership, along with our interagency affiliates, we will work closely with community representatives to develop comprehensive local strategies, to raise awareness about important issues, to share information on best practices, and to expand and improve training in every area of the country. . . .

“As we move forward together, our work must continue to be guided by the core democratic values – and the ideals of freedom, openness, and inclusion – that have always set this nation apart on the world stage.  We must be both innovative and aggressive in countering violent extremism and combating those who would sow intolerance, division, and hate – not just within our borders, but with our international partners on a global scale.  And we must never lose sight of what violent extremists fear the most: the strength of our communities; our unwavering respect for equality, civil rights, and civil liberties; and our enduring commitment to justice, democracy, and the rule of law.”


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One Response to You Will Kindly Answer the Questions

  1. Roy Munson says:

    This the start of the BHO “Civilan National Security Force” he described so euphorically back in 2008.

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