Mayor Bill Gluba’s Immigration “Charities”

Ed. Note: this article has been added to since the initial posting yesterday

The following is a list of Federal taxpayer paid benefits that may be available in whole or in part to anyone given “legal status” to be present in the United States. Legal status is being imparted at least temporarily to the thousands of juveniles (primarily) “accompanied” and “unaccompanied” who are rushing the border from Central America.  They are doing so  under the misapplied and thoroughly abused “human trafficking” law currently on the books.  Emma Lazuras’ poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty “give us your tired and poor…” did not include the stanza “and we will give you all these benefits before you are a citizen at tax payer expense.”

Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 9.56.44 PMFrom the National Immigration Law Center  (NILC)  which bills its mission as “to defend & advance the rights & opportunities of low-income immigrants and their family members.”   Note that these are the people that Obama, Bill Gluba and the  “Caring Cities”  and “Love Without Borders” crowd want the border rushers to be lawyered up with.

Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs
This table provides an overview of immigrant eligibility for the major federal public assistance programs. Some states provide assistance to immigrants who are not eligible for federally funded services.

With regard to eligibility as indicated in the NILC table it includes those who ” Were granted asylum or refugee status or withholding of deportation/removal, . . . victim of trafficking, and Victims of trafficking and their derivative beneficiaries.  This would presume to cover anyone admitted for processing determination and reunification.

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI )
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Emergency Medicaid (includes labor and delivery)
  • Full Scope Medicaid
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHP)
  • HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Programs (unclear)
  • Title XX Block Grants
  • Social Security not excluded as long as lawfully present and have SS number
  • Other Federal Public Benefits Subject to Welfare Law’s Restrictions
  • Benefits Exempt from Welfare Law’s Restrictions

Not listed are the state and local budgets hijacked by illegals and those pending deportation for who knows how long. Those budgets may or may not be federally funded in their entirety. Consider this excerpt as regards the Texas school system from an article in Breitbart:  Texas-on-Hook-for-Approx-45-M-to-Educate-Foreign-Minors

Texas school districts will not inquire about the immigration status of the migrants, or any students, according to the Star-Telegram . . .  “They are just going to ask, ‘Does Johnny live in our district?’ If the answer is, ‘yes,’ they are going to enroll the student.”

The $45 million in Texas refers just to the Central American surge. We are led to believe that Iowa school officials see their responsibilities as incontrovertibly regardless of how many foreign juveniles and other ages Mayor Gluba seeks to impose on the system. From the Quad City Times:

Davenport Community Schools Superintendent Art Tate said that if  children were to be located here, “It is our job to educate every child in our district without exception.”

And, by the way,  the “non-profits” including church related organizations that will be involved and “contributing?” How many are not federal tax supported social service contractors in some way?

Kind of cheapens the accusations hurled by the irresponsible “Caring Cities”  and “Love Without Borders” advocates . . .  oh so generous as they are with taxpayer  “contributions.”  They denigrate conservatives who want a regulated border at a time when our social welfare system is already overwhelmed with obligations to citizens, essentially borrowing money to finance every additional claimant.

As Milton Friedman said, “It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.”       R Mall

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One Response to Mayor Bill Gluba’s Immigration “Charities”

  1. Gus says:

    “They (the Texas school districts) are just going to ask, ‘does Johnny live in our district?’ If the answer is ‘yes’, they are going to enroll the student.”

    Or…they may have to ask,”¿Vive Jose en este distrito?”. If the answer is “Si”, they go from there…

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