Knowing what we know now is a stupid question

Ann Coulter takes Jeb Bush to task

Jeb Bush is more loquacious than GW or GHW .  We will give him that, even in Spanish. But what GW and GHW  failed to say and do in defense of conservatism is not bettered by Jeb saying more but being unintelligible.

Ann Coulter in her biting style takes no prisoners, not liberals for their repetition of historic deceit and nonsense or Jeb Bush for is historic level of obliviousness or incompetence regarding recent world events he should be expected to be able to effectively respond to.

Read her column  —   Knowing what we know now, would you say Jeb Bush is retarded?

It is one to bookmark and then send the link to those oh so eager to appear politically correct as regards Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) spouting  “Bush lied ” or “there were no WMD’s ” and the “hoaxed war ” or  “Bush’s war,” or “Cheney’s war” and similar ilk.

We have set forth several articles on the topic, defending the purposes and justifications for our country ending the first Gulf War.  We commend them to you as well and will post all  to a category for ease of reference.

Repeating the False Narrative of No WMD’s

More About The False Narrative of No WMD’s

Just Cause

R Mall

This entry was posted in UNCATEGORIZED, WAR & FOREIGN POLICY. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to Knowing what we know now is a stupid question

  1. phil s. says:

    oh, so there WERE wmds? nice try….no one ios saying it was not in the works at som,e point…POINT > now listen up warmongers and Cheney worshippers > there was not enough material TO WARRANT ANY “PRE-EMPTIVE SRIKE” & the slam dunkers at 1600 dam well knew that. interesting how Cheney and co. “outed” a CIA person because her husband did not retun from Africa with “proof” of yellow material. he said there is none so BUsh II said (to the dunkers) “you got to give me more than that!”. they did not but he let maniac Cheney orchestrate the phony maneuver, BSed a real leader like POwell into embarrassing himself in front of the world. they knew there was not enough intel’ to have such a strike but they struck and when there was no real evidence of anything current as to any wmd program, they shifted to “FRE IRAQ!”. what a crock. what a hoax. what a crime against humanity. see BUgliosi book. Jeb Bush knows what a mess of a President W. was. The only good President amongst the BUshs has been BUsh I. We can see Jeb is trying to protect his Brother. YOU GUYS ACTUALLY THINK the American people (ok, let’s just say the Conservative American people’s) minds can be changed at this point & we get Bush III? your party BSed LBJ with the Gulf of Tonkin and now the “need” for striking Iraq. 2 million Vietname, 120+ thousand Iraqis, a total of 63,000 Americans gone. C U election nite.

  2. phil s. says:

    Ann cOulter? Ann Coulter? She could not wash Jeb’s socks!

    • phil s. says:

      she could not wash his socks means she is a frivolous Fox queen and I HAVE READ ENUFF of her tripe to know what a dam fool she is. It’s been reported she is on the KOch payroll. nah, impossible. by the way, she loved the idea of pre-emptive strike. actually said, Iraq is “a good place for us” because the enemy will show up there. been watching The Godfather too many times. sorry, Birchers. 🙂

  3. phil s. says:

    sorry, I was unclear > I most certainly saw those articles loaded with BS and wild, desperate leaps. you actually want to dredge up all that bilge that most REPUBLICANS know was at best, exaggerated. we were faked into War and the toll on humanity was beyond description.

  4. phil s. says:

    funny at this point you say that “you’ve got to give me more than that” is an ASSERTION. I guess you are now just trying to raise money off the long ago debunked GOP assertions.

  5. phil s. says:

    LEONE: why are you playing games with my name? should I get my Lawyer to get you to quit harassing me? 🙂

    to whoever runs this joint: Is the site Certificate still valid – just got a message it ain’t. PLS

    • Designated2 says:

      Phil no one is harassing you, they are responding to you without threats or intimidation. The post this is in response to is at least the third time you have threatened or intimidated others with lawsuits. You have been warned that such threats were not allowed. Now if you think you have a case I suggest you contact a lawyer and have at it. This editor does not have time to parse your every post looking for further intimidating comments so you are now banned from commenting on this site. Have a nice day. Roger Mall, editor.

  6. Roy Munson says:

    Welp, Phil had a good run I guess. I can imagine combing over and screening his rantings before posting them was tiresome (can’t even imagine what crazy stuff you had to delete). Looks like he will have to go back to Twitter and troll full time. RIP.

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