Core Constituencies Disgusted with Republican “Leadership”

Talk of a need for a conservative third-party is more and more prominent.

The rumblings of profound dissatisfaction are far and wide  –  groups concerned with stopping the government takeover of health care, protecting the border and our culture, fiscal conservatives, pro-defense, and many more core elements of the Republican base are commenting more and more about the fecklessness if not appeasement emanating from Republican legislators.

Republican leadership in the blogosphere is seen as suggesting only a slower boat to oblivion while they prepare their own life boats for themselves and “friends.”

This from RedState’s Eric Erickson.

The Pro-Life Movement Must Stop Being Whores of the Republican Party

Maybe it is time for a third party to give the GOP competition. Yesterday, the GOP threw its base under the bus. The Republicans who claim to support the pro-life movement, including Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) who claimed she’d vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act after she ensured it would not pass, need to be beaten. Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), in particular, must be ruined politically even if it means the pro-life community sends a pro-abortion Democrat in her place. They’ll still have improved the seat by replacing Ellmers with someone who is not a damnable liar.

Thomas Crown who also writes for RedState observes as he withdraws his support from the Republican Party:

Today, the Republican Party stands for dragooning children into an inferior educational system designed to make them good little worker bees; for sending taxpayer dollars to its own clients; for funding Obamacare but promising to undo it Tuesday if you’ll give them a hamburger today; for blessing Executive overreach because hey, President Bush III may want to do some cool stuff, too; for brutally crushing its base at every opportunity; and for helping grow a larger and larger government behemoth that must topple of its own weight some day, so long as its elected members can get a piece of the lobbying pie first.

But most of all, today the Party stands for indifference in the face of a man-made cataclysm of flesh and blood, and for apathy toward good and cooperation with evil.

The tone in much of what we read in significant conservative publications is not tough love, but contempt and disgust toward the Republican legislative leadership’s performance.      R Mall

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2 Responses to Core Constituencies Disgusted with Republican “Leadership”

  1. Carlos Danger says:

    Every time I start to get sick of Eric Erickson and think he is just a RHINO cry baby he writes something totally awesome. Hard to argue with that!

    • Designated2 says:

      January 24, 2015 at 10:33 am – We note that in the article Erickson basically apologized for having advocating “hold your nose and vote for the Republican.”

      One might ask, for conservatives, given the preponderance of the two party “system”, is not doing so shooting one’s self in the foot?

      The point made by advocates of the longer view of which we are seeing more and more (we are still analyzing it ) is “where is the lesson to those in control or the resultant increase in “leaderships’ seriousness about reversing the Obamanation?” Primaries were generally thought to be the most productive focus of the directional fight. It is an arguable possibility, but now the crony capitalist well funded “crush the TEA party” has shown it can overwhelm sincere conservatives. This crony capitalist effort makes the party platform meaningless. When they can’t win they are happy to so distort the intent of committed conservatives so as to hobble them in the general should the conservative prevail in the primary.

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