Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, oh, and Chuck

Sorry wrong screen play.  This post is about a much more convoluted cast of characters,  and the plot line is not even close.  It is about Mike & Sharyl & Jeff & Lindsey. It is about how screwed up Washington is, not LA,  and not about any personal relationships. But never say making use of a tawdry themed movie title to gain readership is beneath our dignity.

Poor Chuck, giving it up for Obama

We only wish we were first to mention how “Obama has Chucked Hagel,”  or how “Hagel has been Chucked,”  or you pick the idiom or the double entendre, semi-homophone that best suits what happened.  Anyway, the word is that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has been sh*t-canned had his resignation accepted by President Obama.

But our well connected sources tell us that the early press reports are wrong. Hagel isn’t resigning. He’s just changing his gender. Obama will soon announce that he is naming “Charlene” Hagel as his new Secretary Of Defense. It is definitely a twofer for an administration dedicated to making sure every avenue of inclusion is open for those of the LGBT persuasion.  What is not known is if Hagel had to give up his penis before or after signing on with the Obama Administration (and if he even knew what the paper-work meant).

About Mike and Jeff and Lindsey

Ah, the Benghazi scandal/ affair.  Mike Rogers (R MI), is the head of the House Intelligence Committee which issued its investigative report over the weekend. Democrats are gleefully proclaiming it as exoneration for any guilt for what occurred in Benghazi resulting in the death of our ambassador to Libya and members of his security detail. Surely you have heard about the scandal, it has been in all some of the papers. The exoneration of everyone responsible will be in all of them.

Rogers committee is not the Select Committee headed by Congressman Trey Gowdy that has been tasked to look at the matter. Gowdy’s committee was formed by Speaker Boehner only under pressure which he acceded to perhaps because enough people knew that the Rogers’ committee was hip deep with reasons to coverup any scandal.

Some would suggest that it was important for Republican Rogers, (who is retiring from a safe seat in Congress) who was knowledgeable of operation ” Zero Footprint” which is said to be at the heart of the Benghazi matter, to see to the issuance of his committee’s report ASAP.  The expected result is that anything Gowdy might report will be treated as either old news, or just a difference of opinion.

Note this piece by Noah Rothmann which to us, seems the most likely explanation for why a once respected congressman, Mike Rogers  would put his name to a report which clearly defies facts and logic.  But, for now, Obama, Hillary, the far left media, it’s party time!

Senator Flake…a name and a noun, and a highly descriptive one. There’s something about Arizona senators. Anyway somehow Senator Jeff Flake in response to a question felt compelled to announce that the matter was now settled and that it was time to move on.  Senator Lindsey Graham who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities called the Rogers’ report  “full of crap.”  Senator Graham who was part of the “gang of eight” amnesty proposal with Flake knows crap and how to produce it. Having followed the Benghazi scandal closely himself and serving on a Senate committee conversant with the issues, he has more standing to comment.

Sharyl Attkison

We have posted commentary about former CBS investigative reporter Attkison before. Her expose on the corruption of journalism is called — Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington  The book is excellent. While she could never be considered a conservative, neither is she leftwing.  She , however, describes in great detail reasons that she is disenchanted, in fact, enraged at the BO administration, CBS News, and the media in general.

There’s so much in the book, how she’s obviously been targeted by the administration, great detail on Benghazi ( we are anxious to get her take on the Mike Rogers report), and much more.  Highly recommended.

DLH and R Mall

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