Ernst Wins Final Debate – –

 . . .  doing so supports the validity of our discontent with promoting early voting.

One might say she kicked Bailey’s Braley’s butt on the third and final one.  She definitely showed her mettle. For example she finally took Braley on about his extremest pro-abortion record, causing the sniveling twerp to lie to get through the night.

She did so well, as has Branstad vs Hatch, as has Miller-Meeks vs Loebsack, as has Sam Clovis vs  . . .  oops . . . Fitzgerald refuses to debate about his record with the state’s treasury.  Nevertheless, why the bum’s rush to get people to vote before the various debates even began?!  Don’t Republican operatives wish some of those vote early Democrats and “independents” had seen Ernst debate before voting?

Don’t they wish those soft Republicans, the supposed focus of the program which we contend is a lie in practice, would have a chance to view the debates of the candidates they are being hectored to vote for. As we have maintained the longer Republicans hold off the more likely they will vote straight ticket, and the more Democrats hold off, the more likely they will split their ticket!  We think they should be promoting Republican principles and telling people to take a good look at the candidates .

All of the Republican candidates have done so well that the aura reinforces our view and presents an opportunity for us to raise the issue once again that early voting is contra Republican interests.  As a former candidate myself, back in the day, I found the growing emphasis even then embarrassing.

What the hell are Republican operatives afraid of?  Hurry up and vote before you change your mind??? Hurry up and vote because you might forget? Seriously the presumption that such oblivious people will be smart enough to vote Republican by mail is beyond me.

Hurry up and vote because you might die? Seriously, they justify a lot of money spent for that infinitesimal slice of the pie instead of using what they insist are scarce resources to expand the Republican pie or cut into a nice slice from the Democrats with proper messaging.

When Republicans don’t vote it is not because they forgot or did not know where to vote, it is because they had no confidence or observation that the candidates will fight back against the Democrats , that the candidates are credible at defending Republican values and that they will fight for positions necessary to save the country.

When we have supportable candidates, we shouldn’t waste money and embarrass them with association with the bum’s rush “vote now before they fall apart “. . . “vote now like Democrat’s do”  . . . “If we exchange a mail ballot for a booth ballot that means we get more votes!! . . . Vote now to lock us into this narrow wasteful approach forever! Vote now ‘cuz we have nothing else to say!

R Mall

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