Bypassing Ellis Island

TN gave us the heads-up on this QC Times article yesterday  Liberian woman escapes Ebola outbreak, quarantines self in Q-C

Read the article and then scan the comments and you will get the flavor of the typical liberal thought process.  The young woman is black.  She has “quarantined ” herself now so all is well.  Any objection to her traveling through transportation centers to the middle of the country and living with other people who come and go as they please is racist.

Back in the day people were quarantined, before they came into the interior, that is one of the things Ellis Island was all about.  Why even white folk were detained.

This morning we awoke to see that another hospital worker that cared for the Dallas Ebola victim from Liberia has come down with symptoms.  She felt  symptoms during a return flight from a trip to Cleveland.  And now the CDC has admitted that the government wasn’t aggressive enough in managing Ebola and containing the virus as it spread from an infected patient to a nurse at a Dallas hospital.  Too much time spent on origami condoms, the effete bureaucrat administrators anyway.

So what about this nice young vibrant looking Liberian lady here on visa from Liberia, here to stay with her father and maybe go to medical school? Well we applaud that she is here legally and for the right reasons, and wish her well. But her self imposed quarantine is of course useless, the permutations of her contacts, were she to be a carrier /victim (it does not appear so)  would already be geometrical.  She should have had her quarantine imposed in Liberia in some certifiable way, or at a way point somewhere, before entering the interior of this country so freely.  But border control is racist.

Speaking of endemic racism, the Liberian national’s father works at Augustana College.  He has heretofore been coming and going from the house where he lives and where his daughter, fresh from Liberia, is staying.  The Augustana racists have now placed him on paid administrative leave for a minimum of three weeks. They don’t want him at work and have barred him, Jim Crow racists that they are.  The time frame is coincidentally the current  suggested quarantine period for Ebola, which is what we would suggest for all entrants from Liberia or at risk countries. Border control anyone?   R Mall

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One Response to Bypassing Ellis Island

  1. Roy Munson says:

    I read (and commented) on the article before it was whitewashed/updated over the period of late Tuesday to mid-Wednesday. The origianl article was written in a glowing tone, like a soldier back from overseas surprising their family. Topped with the picture of the two smiling and embracing in the photo.

    Well the Times, stupid and out of touch as usual, obviously wasn’t expecting the 70 straight “WTF” comments on the article from concerned citizens (several look deleted now). Which in turn led to people he probably works with crapping their pants and contacting Augusta University upon reading the story. Which leads up to the new “everybody is talking this serious” tone of the piece.

    Oh and the “self quarantine” isn’t working. Look at the NBC producer that came back from Liberia with the cameraman who got Ebola and left for Chinese food. Look at the 2nd nurse with Ebola who flew from Dallas to Cleveland. The self quarantine seems to be working like that one house on Halloween that always put out the bowl of candy with the sign that read “just take one.” Some people can’t handle it.

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