Bailey, Braley — Whatever — Loser Will Do

Moochelle Obama and Slick Willie can’t get Nancy Boy / Towell Boy Bruce Braley’s name straight.  How degrading.  Such a loyal follower of  theirs. Sad. Very sad.  Moochelle made it even worse by referring to him as a former Marine, thus insulting the USMC and the liberal establishment.






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6 Responses to Bailey, Braley — Whatever — Loser Will Do

  1. Designated2 says:

    One wag commented in another blog that he was a Marine corpesman

  2. Gus says:

    Won’t you come home, Bruce Baily?

  3. Roy Munson says:

    Did any of you guys go the Bailey/Ernst debate? We didn’t get tickets but went to check out the 5:30 pm pre debate get together scheduled by Republicans at Vaderveer Park. Naturally, we got there and drove around the place for 20 minutes and only saw one person there (I yelled at them but he was already on the other side and didn’t hear me).

    I even called the Scott County GOP headquarters earlier to in the day to see if it was happening, and if Ernst might be stopping by since it was a block away. The call went like this-

    Person answering phone: “Hello.”
    Me: “Uh, is this SC GOP headquarters???”
    Person answering phone: “Yep it sure is.”
    Me:”Well, uh, you answered hello I wasn’t sure I had the wrong number…..”
    Person answering phone:”Yeah I was on the other line…”
    Me: “Uh, ok, I was just wondering if Joni might stop by the 5:30 meet up.”
    Person answering phone:”Uh meet up…I’m not sure let me hand u to somebody.”
    Me: “Yaaa okay…”
    New person on the phone: “Hello (sounding like he ran 14 miles).”
    Me: “You guys still having the event at 5:30?”
    New Person on phone: “Oh, you talking about the Miller-Meeks/Loebsak debate.”
    Me: “No the Vanderveer meet up, at 5:30, on your website.”
    New person on phone: ” Uh, oh yes we are. You want Miller Meeks tickets?”
    Me: “No, just wondering if Joni will be at the event before hand.”
    Person on the phone: “Uhhhhh no she will not. But the Miller Meeks…..”
    Me: “Good day sir.”

    • Designated2 says:

      Yep, we had another such report. Elderly person made special early trip for the rally. Walked around the park. Mistook a wedding photo session for the non-event. Drove to the headquarters and got the I know nothing response. The rally call went out beyond the limited web site notice.

  4. Gus says:

    Roy, are you sure you didn’t accidentally call the Scott County GOP’s Comedy Central HQ? That’s where the SCRCC’s best political minds reside, as you can tell. The Committee itself is just a front.

    • Roy Munson says:

      Oops! Looks like I neglected to mention that Carrot Top answered first and handed the phone off to Gallagher before the real conversation started!

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