Editor blames it on Moore’s Law

Just a quick note to apologize for yesterday’s excessive typos and editing lapses (beyond my normal). Looking at them this morning the last two posts were embarrassing  on my part. Corrections have been made. Yours truly was working off of a cheap tablet “$120 at Walmart” (but please buy one and send me to jail with Kellyanne for that “unethical” endorsement). I am not adept with Windows 10, the tablet has a much smaller screen and I should not have been watching TV at the same time “that’s no way to be cogent son.”  In my further defense (excuse making) this all gets down to Moore’s Law  — what with everything getting more technically powerful and costing less all these things are too cheap, too small, and distracting and I couldn’t be expected to read the results before posting. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.               R Mall

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One Response to Editor blames it on Moore’s Law

  1. Eugene Mattecheck Jr says:

    I only have to edit my own stuff and it’s not easy, and I know what the words are supposed to mean. Editing others’ words is hard, squared.

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