KC Star, “all the “fake news’ that’s fit to print”

Truly a rabid Democratic Party /radical left ‘pamphlet’

President Obama Is Handing a Strong Economy to His Successor
KC Star via New York Times – Friday

“Departing occupants of the White House rarely hand off an improving economy to a successor from the opposing party …the jobless rate is a testimony to how strong employment growth has been,” said Jim O’Sullivan, chief  . . . “

getpart-1The “Greater” Kansas City area (MO and KS) is a ‘one newspaper town’… and that paper is not very good. Who said competition was not a good thing?

The Kansas City Star is staffed by, to be charitable, ‘mediocre’ reporters and columnists whose only qualification for employment seems to be their unswerving commitment to rehash every liberal talking point supplied to them, and a business plan based almost entirely on its monopoly position and an aim to milk its readers of every dime possible.

The only reason a regular person takes this paper is to attempt to keep up on local news and events and coupons. Even though one may have to read a locally reported story 2 or 3 times to discern what the reporter was attempting to convey…well, whattya gonna do? It is sadly, the only game in town.

Today’s edition is notable only by its un-notable sameness in content and ideology.

The lead story on the front page is a “rip and print” from the NY Times…the Star didn’t bother putting its own headline to the story…but why should they? (Nowhere in the story about the national economy is mention of the record number of food stamp recipients, nearly $20 trillion debt, and only passing reference to a record number of folks not in the labor market.)

The second top story on the front page is a joyous account of a 14-year-old girl’s…er, boy’s…er, “transgender’s (?)” big victory in Missouri’s Western District Court of Appeals. The court reversed a Cass County judge’s 2015 order for a “transgender boy” to first undergo a “mental examination” before legally changing “his” name.

We must assume, I guess, that this person was ‘mistakenly assigned’ the incorrect gender at birth and at the ripe old age of 14 decided to require folks to affirm his preferred gender.

“He” wants to be called “Nathan”, not the erroneously bestowed “Natalie”.

The “lad’s” 14 month ordeal apparently began when substitute teachers would sometimes use his birth name while calling roll.

“His” mother reported that it was “humiliating” for her “son”. (Maybe if she’d named her/him “Pat” all that anguish could have been avoided.)

She told the court that after the judge’s ruling last October, “Nathan just bawled and bawled and bawled (we presume in a most manly fashion)”. The mother said that “We had to talk with him about not committing suicide” (No doubt reviewing with “Nathan” the various pros and cons.)

One sidelight from the nearly full page story:
“The boy’s attorney, Blaine Elliott, cited 33 other cases in which Wagner presided over a name change request for a minor. In those 33 instances, Elliott wrote in a brief to the court of appeals, Wagner never ordered a mental evaluation. Elliott also pulled all change of name cases from 2009 through September at the 17th Judicial Circuit and found neither Wagner nor any other judge ever ordered a mental evaluation.

“(Nathan) is the only exception,” Elliott wrote in the brief. “Only when confronted with a minor who fails to conform to traditional gender stereotypes does (Wagner) seek to appoint a guardian ad litem or order a petitioner to undergo a mental evaluation. This is clear evidence of discrimination.”

To some of us, perhaps, this case might be clearer evidence of irresponsible parenting or possibly even child abuse.

Just our opinion, you understand, but maybe the judge ordered a “mental evaluation” for the wrong person. How about “mamma Natalie/Nathan”? Or, for that matter, the “boy’s” attorney, Mr. Elliott? Maybe even more urgently needed is a “mental evaluation” of the Appeals Court members!

If anyone were to wish to read more about “Nathan’s” heartbreaking plight, they can go to:

Belton trans teen wins court fight over judge’s order for mental exam

We would urge our readers to check it out. The reporting is, in some instances, quite revealing…and to us, troubling in a lot of ways

The rest of Saturday’s edition is pretty much more reporting and opinion on various subjects, always with the same “slant”.  The reports reek of it.

* “Vote fraud allegation linked to Kobach” (KC Star)
Kobach…tried to back up his claim…citing a survey of the 2008 presidential election. The analysis…has been widely criticized and debunked…”

* “Trump speaks with Taiwan’s president” (AP)
“Friday’s call is the most stark example yet of how Trump has flouted diplomatic conventions since he won…” (quotes from AP writers); “He has undertaken calls from foreign leaders without customary guidance…by the State Department…”. (“Without customary guidance”… Who says Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing? “Customary guidance” from a Hillary Clinton/John Kerry State Dept.!??)

* “Trump Tax cuts: a bad idea with a bright future” (Columnist, Bloomberg)
“With the US government already in a fiscal hole, Republicans may decide that the easiest thing to do is to keep digging.” (Odd! With such a ‘strong economy’ Obama is ‘gifting’ to Trump, what better time for tax cuts?)

* “Count those votes again!” (Gail Collins, NY Times)
“The one positive effect of the recount is the way it reminds the nation, every day, that Donald Trump is one of the least successful successful presidential candidates in American history” (So, Gail, would a ‘co-presidency’ of the electoral college winner and the popular vote winner suit you OK? Anyway, look at the bright side, Ms. Collins. You and the real “fake news” folks can play the “illegitimate card” for the next 4 years with all the putrid hypocrisy you are most skilled at!)

* “Is Trump ready for North Korea” (Michael Gerson, WaPo)
Gerson expresses, of course, no confidence in Trump on this matter, but is critical of Obama’s ineptness as well. What he does have confidence in is the “Human Freedom Initiative”, on whose advisory council he serves (In addition to serving himself). His prescription for solving the N. Korea matter, far superior in his mind to anything a President Trump could ever conceive is, in our opinion, not worth donating ink to. Fans of Michael Gerson can find it on-line.)


HE (POPE FRANCIS) WARNED AGAINST casting someone as “an enemy because they come from a distant country or have different customs…because of their skin color, their language or social class…”. (The Star doesn’t often quote spokespersons for Catholicism, unless like everything else this ‘pamphlet’ offers, it fits its agenda. So you can guess where this “short take” is going.)

Just one day’s reading at the KC Star.                DLH

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