Trigger Alert; Hide the children; Michele, do you know where Malia and Sasha are?

The following message may induce extreme discomfort and hyperventilation, especially among young, impressionable female network reporters. It is also likely to reduce grown male liberals to quivering masses of incoherence from the sheer shock of exposure to words and descriptions well beyond those of Donald Trump. It was Mr. Trump’s words from an old video tape, replayed endlessly by mainstream media, which produced nearly inconsolable televised sobbing on the part of well-known personalities from Washington establishment figures to liberal news anchors.

(We recently alluded to this topic  and even showed some of the lyrics from one of the Obama’s favorite hip hop artists, the irrepressible Ludicrus. He is just one of the rappers famous for such “music” who have been frequent visitors to the White House where they’ve been honored for their magnificent “artistry”.

If you want to read more of the lyrics from their greatest hits, check out websites that feature your “favorite” rapper’s greatest hits and their lyrics…but hide the kids.

Meanwhile, , let’s all try to get over the “shock” of Donald Trump’s careless words from the past and really look at a nation led by Obama 2.0 Hillary Clinton. Now there’s something to really sob uncontrollably about!)    William A. Levinson writing at American Thinker:

Michelle Obama’s Promotion of Misogyny and Date Rape

Michelle Obama laid into Donald Trump for his lewd locker room remarks about women as follows: “I can’t stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way I could not have predicted” — whereupon the White House warned Trump to not retaliate against the First Lady

“And the White House on Thursday advised that Trump continue to steer clear of the president’s wife, suggesting that an unprecedented attack on the first lady is a surefire way for the GOP nominee’s standing to plummet further.”

Well, Eric Schultz (and presumably Barack Obama), here is what you can do with your warning. Donald Trump’s statements, which were probably empty boasts in contrast to Bill Clinton’s well-known behavior, were indeed lewd and unacceptable. While two wrongs do not make a right, Michelle and Barack Obama have openly promoted rap artists who glorify misogyny, sexual objectification of women, and even date rape.

In April 2016, the Obamas invited numerous rap artists to the White House to discuss Barack Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative while recognizing them for their “artistic” contributions to minority communities. The rappers whom the Obamas promoted with these invitations include:

Levinson proceeds to recount the lyrics produced by such artists as Rick Ross, Common, Jay Z, Niki Minaj, and Beyonce.  We would re-post the lyrics but better Levinson at American Thinker be the trigger man. Prepare to be astounded.

Most of our readers are not fans and could not understand the lyrics through what we are told is the musicality and the street diction.  Unfortunately the fans do as we see young people (and incredibly people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s  “sing along” .  The genre is not a new phenomenon. Neither is the matter of liberals getting away with blatant hypocrisy.

Later today we will post video of Michelle’s direct association with such ilk and one of Hillary’s other grand champions Miley Cyrus, with additional commentary.

DLH with R Mall

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