We are shocked! shocked at Bret Stephens departure

The “Republican Party” has left poor li’l Bret Stephens. You remember Bret Stephens. He’s that “arch Conservative” who has become so disappointed in us racist, anti-immigrant, hill billies who arrogantly insist that the GOP majorities in both Houses of Congress do some of the things they promised to do when we gave them landslide electoral wins in 2010 and 2014.

The nerve of us rubes! Thinking that our establishment Republican “betters”, while they are enjoying the delights of Washington D.C., somehow are there to serve their constituencies, and all the American people.

Now Bret, you might recall, is a product of the finest schools, enjoys the stimulating companionship of all the smart people like himself, and occupies a position which entitles him to lecture us, the uneducated, unsophisticated, ill-informed slobs which he and his fellow elites must reluctantly abide in order to maintain their lofty status.

But, alas! I fear that Mr. Stephens has finally had it with us.

He has now announced that he is no longer a member of the “Republican” party.

Actually, while Bret might think that’s big news and that the GOP’s “base”…that is, we the unwashed”…will be shocked and fearful…”My God! We’ve lost Bret!”…this does not come as the big news flash.

Perhaps most of us recall his several previous bitter, snarky, sarcastic columns, including the one in which he fervently hoped that Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November in an unprecedented landslide. He explained how only by this utter destruction of the Trump candidacy would the repulsive Tea Party adherents be once and for all, banished from the land.

Bret pulls no punches in excoriating conservatives for their many moral lapses. And only by ridding them from the Republican Party, can a pure and wonderful GOP rise from the ashes and once again enjoy the acceptance and admiration of Mr. Stephens.

In this column he summarizes the evil, primitive impulses of conservatives:

– On trade. Stephens just can’t seem to probe the depth of ignorance conservatives seem to have regarding free trade. To Bret, there is obviously no such thing as good deals or bad deals when it comes to trade agreements. He seems not to care a whit about what might be contained in the TPP agreement, negotiated in unusual secrecy by the Obama administration, consisting of 5500 pages. Congressional Republicans were not allowed to know anything about the deal while negotiations were in progress and when agreement was reached were only permitted entry to a locked room, no notes taken nor allowed to reveal terms until Obama permitted. It is an agreement which goes far beyond just trade terms but is a major step toward the left’s dream of One World government and the decline of American sovereignty.

Bret, in all his professed wisdom, unhesitatingly embraces another “agreement” by the most publicly exposed liar to ever occupy the Oval Office.

And how do we know that the TPP is not in the best interest of the USA? Because Obama suggests that it is!

And Mr. Stephens? If the word “trade” is anywhere in the pact’s title, it’s good enough for him.

And you ignoramuses on the right who have serious reservations about it? Shut the f–k up!

– And then there’s “IMMIGRATION”! Legal, illegal, assimilation, or segregation, makes no difference to Bret. He quotes Reagan on immigration. But even in his use of Reagan’s words, it seems that Stephens skips over the “make it possible for them to come here legally” part. Mr. Stephens is “all US Chamber of Commerce” on immigration. Who cares if they share the values enshrined in the Constitution…if they work cheap, come on in!
If you happen to think that an orderly, principled immigration process, consistent with Constitutional values, is important for the future of this nation, then you’re an idiot as far as Bret’s concerned.

– Foreign policy? Any need to reevaluate where US foreign policy is today is just another example of the ignorance of critics of the Obama performance and the timidity and fecklessness of the Washington establishment’s abject disasters of the past 8 years. He talks about those “robust treaty alliances”…as though their effectiveness is undeniable.
– Finally, “culture, civility, and character”:

“Where, in the apparently limitless forgiveness GOP voters are willing to extend to Mr. Trump for his public affronts to “that face” Carly or that “nasty woman” Hillary Clinton, is that Republican Party today?” Mr. Stephens is apparently decrying the lack of character, etc., of Donald Trump. As a motivating factor in Bret Stephens’ fervent desire for a Hillary presidency, this oh-so learned curator of all that is wise and moral and really, really “old Republican” seems to not be bothered by the abject criminality and total indifference to national security of Secretary Clinton and the band of criminals she has surrounded herself with throughout her long career of corruption.

Yes, we’ve lost Mr. Stephens, and most of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. If so, so be it. We have quite possibly lost the America which has stood for the best humanity can hope for in governance, and that is the real shame.         DLH

My Former Republican Party  
The Democrats left my parents. Trump’s GOP has left me.


I grew up with parents who liked the old line that they didn’t leave the Democratic Party—the Democratic Party left them. My father’s political heroes were Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. My mother had been a campaign volunteer for Sen. Eugene McCarthy in 1968. But the party of George McGovern was not for them. As the left turned on “Amerika,” they kept faith in America.

Now it’s my turn to watch the Republican Party drift away. Whether the trend continues after the election remains to be seen, but already the GOP is largely unrecognizable to me. To see how far it’s fallen, let’s remind ourselves of where it once was.     . . .

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