Trump calls Catholics to task – this is not a game

God bless you Donald, its a joke of dinner anyway

A quick commentary.  Just finished watching live broadcast of Donald Trump’s remarks   at the Alfred E Newman Al Smith Dinner. My take — his speech should be held in high esteem. One aspect of the speech, specifically intended or not, is that he in essence called Catholic prelates to task for their moral equivalency and apostasy to their own teachings as to giving platforms to unrepentant pro-abortionists and anti-Catholic bigots like Hillary Clinton. He will be jeered at by the usual suspects for saying the truth. Trumps sarcasm during his “humorous” speech was rich and profound.  TN provides us the link to YouTube video of Trump’s remarks. The ad at the start of the video can be skipped using the arrow. More of our comments below.

The real turd in the punch bowel should be recognized as Hillary Clinton. Her record of abortion advocacy is notorious,  her policy assaults on religious liberties is not a polite difference of opinion, it is the utmost in ruthlessness.

The event is an ~~ annual ~~ affair to raise money for Catholic charities.  There are other ways to raise money than subverting basic Christian sensitivities by giving platforms and making honored guests the likes of Hillary Clinton.      R Mall

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