Delicate political flower scandalized by sex talk

One of the most delicate flowers in the US Senate, GOP Senator Kelly Ayotte is shocked, scandalized, and personally insulted and distraught, to the extent that she is withdrawing her ‘staunch support’ of Donald Trump. She is effectively now of the  “I’m with Her (Hillary)” .  Ayotte is one of the biggest opportunist in Washington. She was never a Trump supporter though she felt it in her interest to pretend.

screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-10-53-45-amPossibly Senator Ayotte will want to add to her campaign slogan she’s attached to her distribution of free condoms for college students from the clever “Use Condom Sense” to the even more clever “Political Prophylactic”  . . . Wrap yourself with one of these to protect yourself from those stupid anti-establishment Trump voters”.

You Go Girl…you and Hillary deserve each other.


Other commentary:  (excerpts)

Republican Senator Hands Out Free Condoms at College Campus

Earlier this week, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R–N.H.) took freebies at campaign tables to a new low. While voters are used to getting pens, buttons, bumper stickers, and grab bags, the Ayotte table at the University of New Hampshire had a bowl of condoms, free for the taking. A sign beside the table read, “FREE CONDOMS. As part of Kelly’s commitment to making birth control available over the counter, please take a free condom.” At the bottom of the sign, in an apparent attempt at wit, was the slogan, “Use Condom Sense!”

The ploy is apparently geared at taking heat off of the senator for two of her positions. In 2015, Ayotte filed her “Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act,” which would allow contraception companies to make their products available for sale over the counter. But the products would not be “free,” as many birth-control advocates demand, and many see the bill as an attempt to add a “birth control tax.” Also, Ayotte has voted at least six times to defund Planned Parenthood — the nation’s largest provider of abortions — which was shown in a series of videos last year to be harvesting and selling baby parts.


But there is a disconnect between her efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and her attempts to make contraception more easily available. There are, perhaps, some things the senator should make herself aware of before either pushing for more contraception or handing out condoms on a college campus:

• Condoms are already readily available over the counter. Machines in gas station bathrooms all across the nation testify to the fact the there is no difficulty in getting one’s hands on a condom. If a young man can’t afford the three or four quarters he would have to pay for a condom, he probably doesn’t have a date tonight anyway. (Of course, this is not to suggest that he should be engaging in such activity in the first place.)

• Condoms have an abysmally high failure rate, so if the senator’s goal is to provide “safe and effective contraception,” handing out false hope in the form of latex prophylactics is, to say the least, not the best course of action. The data on the use of condoms show that on average a whopping 18 percent of women using condoms will become pregnant over the course of one year. Furthermore, even when “used properly,” the failure rate still accounts for two percent of the women using them becoming pregnant. Here’s a tip: If the condom results in pregnancy rates that high, it isn’t stopping the exchange of bodily fluids. In fact, the exchange of bodily fluids is even higher than the 18 percent pregnancy rate,  . . .

Related reading:    Does the thought of Kelly Ayotte and free condoms trouble you?

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