The TrumpNATO

We have often disagreed with the Treehouse in the recent past for various reasons we won’t go into here.

This column today, however, is one which we believe deserves to be read carefully and considered as objectively as your political outlook permits.

We think that it puts a perspective on a variety of very complex issues, routinely misrepresented and distorted by the media, liberals, and pundits of all stripes.

There are so many interesting, and we believe, incisive interpretations of several of the most controversial positions that Donald Trump has introduced that it is not possible to do them justice with a few excerpts. We urge readers to go to the site and read the piece in its entirety.

But, just an example. If you believe that you are fully prepared to join the debate on some of the most important issues of the upcoming presidential campaign, there are points raised which may give you some pause.

Kevin Williamson may well be our least favorite “conservative” pundit. He writes for the strongly anti-Trump, anti-Cruz, anti-conservative National Review. He often issues inane remarks masked by what he believes are clever phrases. He is as ‘establishment’ as it gets. Here’s one of his latest:

“Trump, whose nickel-and-dime gestalt could only have come from a repeatedly failed casino operator, is a creature in search of petty advantages and small paydays. As such, he suggested yesterday that the United States might forsake its commitment to NATO — our most important military alliance — because he believes that our NATO allies are not carrying their share of the expense. Trump’s mind processes information the way a horse processes oats, and the product is exactly the same.”

(You can read Williamson’s column here)

It represents the “Washington establishment’s” (liberals and pseudo conservatives alike) take on Trump’s recent remarks on the NATO issue. However “Sundance”, writing at Conservative Tree House has identified  the irony of Trump calling out NATO for not fulfilling its obligations:

Trump Effect: The EU, Turkey, NATO and Now Clinton Democrats Demand War                  (excerpts – bold emphasis ours)

It’s simply an incredible thing to witness.

If we follow the current Democrat arguments to their logical conclusion, we now see liberals shifted to demanding a war against Russia, because Turkey via Erdogan has gone full Islamist and is also a NATO “ally”.

President Obama facilitated the radical Islamization of Turkey via a willfully blind approach toward what President Recep Erdogan was doing.

(snip)  (bold our emphasis)

However, with the outcome of those expressed intentions building toward a predictable conclusion, the same liberal talking heads and voices are jaw-agape as Donald Trump agrees, saying: “ok, then, fair enough, it’s not much of our business“…

Mr. Trump … said he would not pressure Turkey or other authoritarian allies about conducting purges of their political adversaries or cracking down on civil liberties. The United States, he said, has to “fix our own mess” before trying to alter the behavior of other nations. (link) . . .

Liberal democrats’ heads explode as Donald Trump agrees to let the Obama foreign policy agenda fulfill itself.

How dare he?


Liberal wonks supported Turkey’s Islamist intents, and now want the U.S., via NATO, to keep Turkey protected from the consequences.


In order to make their interventionist argument, liberals are now claiming America is an exceptional country, the “greatest nation in the free world” with a greater responsibility. Meanwhile, it was only a few short years ago when those same liberal voices were stating the U.S. was no more exceptional that Greece, or Italy, or Turkey…. etc.


Trump creates “leverage” by assertively giving, and emphasizing, the success of exactly what the opposition desired – ie. They own this problem. If they want the U.S. to come and fix the problem the EU has brought upon itself, they are going to have to crawl back and ask for assistance. That’s when President Trump, on behalf of America, outlines the conditions.

Read more of the article here.


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