Islam link to Baton Rouge cop killer

Dominant media continues to fail to mention Islam links in cop killings

Gavin Eugene Long, a.k.a. Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, the Baton Rouge cop-killer was delusional as any member of an organization such as the Washitaw Nation would have to be. The “organization” is not an American Indian tribe as it might sound but, as explained below, has links to an Islamic jihadist philosophy of sorts.  From his social media postings, Old Cosmo certainly wasn’t into preaching the peace part of any religion. He was clearly “preoccupied with racial grievance and antagonism.”  In our opinion (we are in good company)  his violent revolutionary philosophy was aggravated by a propagandized narrative of police racism spewed by race baiters of the likes of Alinskyite Barack Obama. Old Cosmo just thought Barack was a weak hitter (little did he know).

First a bit about the Washitaw Nation, of which you can find out more by reading the full piece Who Was Gavin Long? by Theodore Kupfer writing at National Review. It should be noted  that early leftist reports of Long’s (or Setepenura’s) associations, besides the Marine Corps, mentioned his association with the “sovereign man” movement.  Some of those suggested it was right-wing or left it to the ground work they had previously laid. But as we are informed by Kupfer :

The sovereign-citizen movement is an umbrella term for unaffiliated groups of people; what unites the groups is a belief that the laws of the United States are illegitimate and do not apply to them if they take the right legal steps to establish their standing outside the system. Moorish Science is part of the early-20th-century reaction to Jim Crow, lynchings, and the general racism of American society. It is one of several organizations that latched on to faraway symbols of black achievement. The founder of the movement surveyed world history and decided that black Americans were really Moorish and thus connected to the Ottomans whose tottering empire once held sway over North Africa. Moorish Science arose from the same wellsprings as the Nation of Islam and Marcus Garvey’s “Universal Negro Improvement Association.” The Washitaw Nation is a concatenation of parahistorical wishes and beliefs; its members assert that they are both Moorish and indigenous to American land.

Gary Bauer at Campaign for Working Families also writes about An Islamic Link?

One of the things we are learning about Baton Rouge cop killer Gavin Long is that he traveled to Africa to find his roots. He converted to Islam and, as I noted yesterday, established links with the Nation of Islam, an extremist group led by Louis Farrakhan. He wished people “Happy Ramadan” in social media posts. Little of this information manages to find its way into major media reports.

ISIS and Al Qaeda have been urging sympathizers for months to find soldiers and police officers and to kill them. Shouldn’t we be more interested in this link?

Here’s something to consider. Some people looking at the statistics are downplaying the rise in police killings as minor. Of course, all police killings are heinous acts. But the context and motive do matter.

Police are threatened every day in confrontations with criminals. But what is happening now goes far beyond routine “occupational hazards.” Police are being killed not by criminals trying to escape. Instead criminals are hunting cops and assassinating them.

How many of you heard about the March attack on a Maryland police station by three brothers? One “recorded his last will and testament in a cellphone video” before he went to attack the station. The others recorded the attack. Who does that? Radical Islamists.

Remember the Muslim gang member who traveled from Baltimore to assassinate two officers in New York City? Gavin Long did the same thing. He traveled hundreds of miles from Missouri to Dallas and then to Baton Rouge — all in order to find police he wanted to kill.

There are plenty of police in Missouri. Instead, Long wanted to stoke more violence in a city already on edge. Long knew emotions were raw in Baton Rouge and he wanted to overthrow the civil order.

These people are revolutionaries making common cause with radical Islam to bring America down. Yet Obama and the media willfully avert their gaze and refuse to connect the dots. They try to make it about something else, anything else — workplace violence, hate crimes or guns.

These attacks on police are attacks on America itself. And yet when these killings happen, we get lectures from Obama and Hillary about white people needing to listen.

Listen to what? Does Hillary think the Dallas and Baton Rouge shooters were upset that affirmative action isn’t working as effectively as they’d like?

We need to be having a serious conversation about how wide-spread such anti-American attitudes are among illegal immigrants, refugees and even some Americans. How many people are there who want to see America burn?

More about Long/Setepenra including his name change, can be found at this article by Tom Cleary at Heavy:  Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Setepenra: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know 

R Mall

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One Response to Islam link to Baton Rouge cop killer

  1. Gus says:

    It hasn’t been confirmed yet but I understand that Mr. Long may have belonged to several ‘straight’ organizations and friends claim that he had a history of using only male restrooms. Also, it may just be a rumor but I understand AP and the NY Times are looking into Long’s possible connections to “Christian Mingle” and the Knights of Columbus, both organizations that it’s rumored are on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “watch list”. If these rumors are true, the shooter’s motives become much clearer.

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