Ash clown thinks he is cute and clever

DOD Secretary Carter challenges one’s gag reflex

On “gender neutrality” did these guys take English? The existing well-understood inclusiveness of the English language suffices (unless you are a pathetic twit).

146426835173175This is how scarce resources and funds for our armed forces are being used. To say nothing of the tragic diversion of valuable intellectual resources of our top civilian military and national security leadership.

Except, as far as the “valuable intellectual resources” of people like Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, the loss is so negligible as to not merit even this one sentence .

Please, though, we implore readers to read this story and thoughtfully consider…with a straight face—PLEASE . . . what this circus clown who now serves Obama’s will as the chief executive of America’s entire Defense establishment worries his pretty little head about:

From Bridget Johnson at PJ Media: Defense Secretary Ponders How to Change ‘Unmanned’ Job Titles to Gender-Neutral Wording

The Marine Corps Times reported last week that the service is reviewing its job titles — rifleman, infantryman, etc. — in the wake of all combat roles being opened to women and a January directive from Navy Secretary Ray Mabus for the Corps and the Navy to ensure those job descriptions are gender-neutral.

Every job title that includes “man” is up for review and potentially on the editing block.


“But the Defense secretary admitted that he didn’t “off-hand have a good alternative” for job descriptions with words like “unmanned.”

“We have all these programs that begin with ‘U.’ And I guess you can have a tech challenge for somebody who comes up with a word that begins with ‘U,’ which is — which doesn’t specify whether it’s a man or woman, but makes sure — but specifies that homo sapiens isn’t driving the thing,” Carter said to laughter.

“But somebody here smarter than I is going to be able to figure that out, and that would be — that would be appropriate,” he said of the review process to rename titles.”

Grade-school intellect:

I believe that “Ash”, in taking a hard look at this herculean task before him should begin by applying an alternative for the biggest UN-MANned position the Defense Department currently has.

How about “UnAshed” Department of Defense? And I might add, how about “Un-Mabus-ed” Department of the Navy?


PS – with Ash Carter, whose credentials are academic, one is reminded of the applicability of the old saw — “BS is just what you think it is, MS is more of the same, and PhD is Piled  high and Deep”  – R Mall

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