Is USMC tradition standing in the way of good US-Islam relations?

Another executive action our Dear Leader could issue as he goes out the door in January

Dear Readers:  What do you suppose would be the response if the Council on Islamic and American Relations (CAIR) released a statement in which it expressed its concerns about the “historic animosity” of the United States toward the Muslim world, especially in our military establishment?

images-6As evidence, in its statement, CAIR might note the impact on relations between America and the Muslim nations, where distrust and fear of US intentions toward countries in the Middle East have given rise to militant Islamic organizations solely out of what they perceive as deep-seated attitudes hostile to Islam which pervade our armed forces. As example, CAIR cites the US Marine Corps which has caused great devastation whenever deployed to fight “supposed Islamic terrorism”.

The statement would go on to invite President Obama, whom CAIR believes is a true friend of Muslims, to take action, if only through small gestures to demonstrate that Islamic nations need not fear America’s military might.

Such a gesture, in the Council’s view, which might send a powerful signal to Muslims worldwide, might be to ask Defense Secretary Carter to direct the US Marine Corps to not only examine the attitudes toward Muslims of its top commanders but to look at the organization’s historic roots in the context of modern realities.

“Healing could begin”, the statement would conclude,”if the very offensive reference to Islam were removed from the Marine Hymn, “…to the shores of Tripoli…”, which recalls the fierce animosity toward Arab Muslims early in the founding of America”.

How fast do you think Obama, Ash Carter, and the weird and willful anti-military Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, would gleefully respond to this suggestion?

And how long before LaRaza would raise the same issue over the line in the Marine Hymn, “…from the halls of Montezuma…”?

Recall there has already been, in the reign of Obama, Carter, Mabus the scandalous, shocking, humiliating spectacle of US Marines surrendering their weapons in order to be permitted to evacuate the US embassy in Yemen and leave the country!


Not to mention that the  USA, USN and USAF official songs are all sexist and display religious bigotry.


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