Boorish ass-clown the presumptive Republican nominee

images-5images-8 images-6 Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 1.28.26 PMMoreon the Trump Indiana win

OK so anybody with a voter card in Indiana no matter what party, no party, no declared affiliation necessary before or after, gets to walk into a voting booth, grab whichever ballot, and determine the nominee of a political party they have no demonstrated affinity for or intent afterwords (or they would register as a party member). It’s a great system for political party self-destruction.  Let anybody wander in, motivated by the most superficial of thought processes. Go Hoosiers! Iowa’s caucus system is psychologically different although Republican “leadership”  has been hard at work turning it into essentially a  primary.  As we said before – the Big Tent at work.

Lincoln was right. But of course it is a truism.  You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.  The Trump primary voter, a largely undiscerning, angry, and as a result, a dangerous lot, the sort of mob our forefathers warned us about, prevailed.  It happens when “leaders” try only to conform to or accommodate masses, rather than promote principles.  Promoting principles makes for an informed and cohesive party, rather than rabble.  The undifferentiated rabble can start their own party (they won’t). But this is not to say the rabble cannot be right on some things, but that also speaks to the pathetic leadership that was not right on those things.

Even Roby Smith, local minor league boorish Republican ass-clown, whose really really deep football analogy trying to justify his win against a conservative by use of gross distortion, a.k.a. lies, about his opponent’s record,  had more plausibility than Trump.  Trumps victory brought back the disgusted and sad feelings I felt after that local battle (see Shameful on the page bar above) only magnified greatly, because of the enormity of what is at stake.  But the writing was on the wall about the direction of Republican leadership, what it was made of, and the attachment of a large percentage of  “Republican” voters to principle back then.

Maybe lying is what it takes to win!  God I hope not although people can be that gullible and stupid.  The eight years of Barack Obama is on the country as a whole, including Republicans who could not muster a nominee who would or could adequately meet the challenge. The lesson the Republican leadership took away was to open the tent, all sides up. Of course it isn’t much of a shelter in a driven rain. They took that approach rather than “sell” more tickets using persuasion. A big empty tent is what they have, empty of any enthusiasm for the product.   In our opinion Trumpists who are not serious conservatives, and are not part of even the non-conservative apparat, are not likely to stay or work.  You have to know a lot of them are going to vote for many Democrats because they “vote for the person,” don’t you know. Many may even vote for Hillary.

So what do conservatives do?  There are things to think about anyway. One view might be that the ass- clown Trumpists have no staying power or demeanor, and will fade away from any party affairs.  They won’t be there for the guy they saddled the party with. His election will be left to the Republican establishment.  With Cruz the conservatives would pitch in enthusiastically.  Not sure about the pitching in part with Trump though.  The whole gag thing again. Vote maybe.

So conservatives could stay, officially so to speak, give the same level of support moderate Republicans give to conservatives, which ranges from none to barely vote. We will not talk about RINO actions to undermine conservatives. In other words stay and with concerted purpose try to take over the party, leave nothing to the hacks. Root them out. It is arguably the long-term. Another approach might be to stay nominally and facilitate a conservative third-party. That keeps options open.

Each state would be a project in itself and at this writing we have not investigated even Iowa.  Speaking only generally and anecdotally, look for ways to obtain a statewide ballot presence. That is key.  One mechanism might be to formulate a conservative party, in the wings so to speak. States require some sort of showing to obtain a place on the ballot, or party line. They probably start with a petition (some states are very burdensome, but it may be doable given people’s natural accommodation for such things). Then look for an innocuous statewide position, in Iowa the Treasurer position would serve nicely. It does not risk anything if Republicans run someone in that case.

At this juncture in Iowa I would not hesitate to support a third-party effort for Secretary of State. We lost a good one in Matt Schultz. Iowa elected Republican Paul Pate to replace him.  He is part of the denigration of the voting franchise. Republicans lose nothing with him and offend no principle, rather it is enhanced by replacing him one way or another with a conservative dedicated to the integrity of the vote.

Other states have a greater variety of statewide positions on the ballot that might serve as a mechanism to obtain “permanent’ ballot position for a “third-party” effort. Grow from there. To start, some ballot lines on some races might not be filled.  Some states might allow a candidate to appear on more than one party line.  That would be a tactical plus, helping to insure a conservative alternative.

We are certainly welcome to indeed plead for other ideas, embellishments,  alternatives, more studied references and objections.

R Mall

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