Cruz suspends campaign – Trump wins – Mickey Mouse now said to be a contender in November presidential election

Given the negative ratings of the two probable major party nominees, Trump and the Hildebeast, the write-in vote could be that dramatic, it is usually Mickey Mouse. The Trump supporters, the geniuses that produced him,  (and that includes the party establishment) certainly have their work cut out for them. Some of them will come to understand the effort required to suppress the gag reflex conservatives had to exercise. Others are quite good at it. I am glad I decided not to be a Republican precinct committee person any longer. Not sure the abdominal muscles would take it when it comes to working for Trump.  It will be hard enough to vote for him.

Fear of Hillary is palpable, disgust with Trump is as well. Hard to keep people interested in such circumstances.  Yes the Trumpeters have their work cut out.

As many times as Trump threatened to run third party it would serve him and his Republican supporters right to have instigated the same having won the nomination with such a lying and otherwise embarrassing campaign. Conservatives may look for opportunities to put another party on the map in individual states. Trump’s win could be the genesis of such an effort. Any effort by Trump to install a wishy-washy platform will insure it. Hard to say now.  Some of the dust has to settle and “cool heads” prevail.  That is proforma advice.

The blame for the impending fiasco on the Republican side of course starts with Republican leadership in Washington and their lies about what they said they would do, on immigration on spending , on health care and much more.

It also falls on state level leadership for not having rules requiring proportional delegate selection, something we have called for, for years. Proportionality would have taken the wind out of Trump’s sales. No more winner take all nonsense.  Trump would maybe still be ahead, but the Not Trumps would still be viable. Another factor, bigger yet, is allowing open primaries.  Indiana, one of many, does not require even temporary identification as a Republican in order to vote in the primary. It  can easily produce Trumps when it is winner take all, as Indiana is.  Trump won a majority but how many had any affinity at all for the party?  The big tent at work.  More later

R Mall

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