Obama assigns Special Forces to new work place

jus’ cause they wear those funny outfits with helmets and stuff and trade fire with bad guys, shouldn’t be mistaken for “combat”

tffa0Do you seem to have trouble deciphering Obama administration statements?

It’s a common problem many Americans are experiencing. It seems that when “folks” like “Earnest” Josh Earnest or John Kerry or Susan Rice, or Obama , himself say something, the syllables and voice inflection and so on, sound as though they are speaking English.

The problem arises when the average American thinks he understands what has been said according to standard word definitions and meanings.

For example a traitorous American soldier who betrayed his unit, deserted his post, endangered his fellow brothers-in-arms is said in the curious language Obamaites use, to have “served with honor and distinction”.

Another example might be when it is said that a complete dismantling of the current health care system will save the average family $3500 in healthcare costs, but in the language most of us understand, translates to an “increase in healthcare costs of as much as $2500 or more, for the average family”.

When an avowed Islamist American army officer shoots and kills more than a dozen of his unarmed fellow soldiers, wounds many more, and proclaims he has done so in the service of a terrorist movement at war with western civilization, it is termed to have been a very serious instance of “workplace violence”…like a violent marital spat.

With this better understanding of the facility with which the Obama administration uses the English language, it is then easier to understand Friday’s announcement that the “US Will Send Special Forces to Syria”.

The White House announcement was very clear…at least in terms we can now better understand…”They are not being deployed with a combat mission”, according to “Earnest” Josh Earnest. “The mission of our men and women on the ground has not changed”, he said.

“Earnest” Josh, however, did not reveal what that mission that is not going to change was or is.

“Ash” Carter, the latest Obama appointee to pose as a Defense Secretary, assured Americans that “We are going to continue to build on what works”.

Secretary Carter, however, failed to add that the administration will do so as soon as they find something that “works”. Perhaps spending only $500 million to train Syrian opposition fighters has taught that we must not try to conduct this, er, effort “on the cheap”. Since we only trained 5 fighters for that, we should “build” on it by training 100 fighters? It’s only $10 billion more!

Bottom line? American people should understand that the “50 US special operations troops” are NOT on a “combat mission”! They are just being assigned to a different “work place”!


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