Benghazi Coverup — Smoking Gun

But no story here — move along . . .

A-D Benghazi 1-AThe April 3, 2014 Associate Press article in the Dispatch and Argus (page C-4) partially displayed at right made sure that the country was well aware that “Politics no issue in Benghazi memo.”  Hearing were being held in Congress at the beginning of the month investigating whether there was a coverup of the known reasons for the Benghazi attack on our diplomatic post there . The Obama Administration claimed the attack was a spontaneous reaction to a video said to insult Islam.  Obama did not want scrutiny of his foreign policy competence just prior to the election.

Yesterday the story broke of an e-mail clearly pointing to a cover-up of the known reasons for the attack for political purposes.  Newsmax reports:

The email, dated Sept. 14, 2012, was among more than 100 pages of documents released by Judicial Watch on Tuesday. It shows White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes advising Rice, who now is Obama’s national security adviser, to focus on the YouTube video as the cause of a spontaneous protest that led to the attack.

But previously released emails show senior defense officials told the administration on the night of the attack that it was terrorism linked to al-Qaida and that no protest had occurred.

Rhodes outlined several talking points for Rice, with the advice “to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Newsmax quotes Senator James Inhoff, ranking member of the Senate Armed Services committee:

“The emails show that in the days after the attack in Benghazi, Libya, the White House was more focused on protecting President Obama than informing Americans about the terrorist attack that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.”

The Judicial Watch obtained memos are important smoking gun revelations. Where is the AP – and the D-A?

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One Response to Benghazi Coverup — Smoking Gun

  1. Roy Munson says:


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