Dana Milbank: Can’t We All Just ‘Evolve’?

The zeal which leftist media must exert in order to please their paymasters and fellow ideologues sometimes makes them do things which confirm that “compassion for their fellow man” and their “tolerance” and non-judgmental “understanding” , is merely nothing more than a pose and, in fact,  a mirror image of what they really are.

This seems to be the best explanation for why a “respected” (by the left) columnist like Dana Milbank would pen a piece which must rank, not just for Dana as one of his silliest columns, but a benchmark for deceit and slander that all leftist columnists and editorial writers can aspire to…QC Times, take note!

In order to win the applause of the left in their enthusiasm to advance the gay agenda and literally destroy anyone with a different point of view… and mine the rich resources of this crowd as well, Milbank leaped into the Chick-Fil-A controversy.

Quad Citians were treated to this literary masterwork in both the area’s liberal pamphlets…sometimes believed by progressives to be “newspapers”…the Times and the Dispatch-Argus  . . . here and here.*  

Milbank begins his piece with a snarky reference to Mike Huckabee’s call to Americans to oppose the gay/progressive movement’s assault on the restaurant chain for it’s founder’s Christian belief…specifically his opposition to gay marriage.

Somehow Milbank manages to work into his column the goofy charge that Huckabee, in so opposing the left’s call for a boycott of Chick-Fil-A, is really advancing a cause in favor of national obesity!? (Maybe Dana hopes to get a couple of bonus points with Michele Obama.)

At any rate, the real gist of Mr. Milbank’s embarrassing attempt at political wit is this:

Chick-Fil-A  founder, Dan Cathy, in a published interview, affirmed his view that his Christian faith leads him to his opposition to gay marriage.

Milbank thus suggests that this implies that “gay people …had no business at Chick-Fil-A.” In Mr. Milbank’s opinion, it’s no wonder that Boston’s mayor, in his fury at such a remark, would say that “he would block the company from the city”. (A position that the mayor would soon after backtrack on when advised that that is a gross violation of the Constitution.)

The columnist goes on to suggest that that gosh darn Huckabee was “forcing Americans to take a stand”. Heaven forbid!

Milbank mourns the tragedy that Huckabee failed to show restraint. Milbank’s conclusion is that just because the Gay/Left viciously attacks  a private company because its owner expresses his opinion (the same one, incidentally, which our sainted President, Barack Obama, only very recently “evolved” from) and big city Democratic mayors (San Francisco, Chicago, Boston) are actually issuing threats against the company if they attempt to open stores in their cities, fair-minded Americans should “just let it go”…and stop turning people into “Christian warriors”.

These are the people, Milbank, the mayors, liberals, gays everywhere, who might consider the fact that just four years ago, they supported and voted for a man who shared the “hate-filled homophobia” that Mr. Cathy is accused of having  by these folks… when it apparently seemed to Mr. Obama that  Mr. Cathy’s viewpoint was where he needed to be to get votes.

In other words, Dana, “can’t we all just evolve?”

‘Course, that’s just my opinion.  DLH

Other editor’s note: Perhaps it isn’t strange when the same columnist’s column is picked up by competing newspapers . . . the same weekend . . .  or are they even competing anymore . . . as regards content  . . . or distribution?

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One Response to Dana Milbank: Can’t We All Just ‘Evolve’?

  1. Romentum says:

    How do such stupid pieces like Milbank’s get published nationally in papers all over the counrty? So suddenly this whole Chick-Fil-A debate is Huckabee’s fault because he was sick and tiered of seeing the business get slandered by MSNBC loons and Demorat Mayors for two weeks?

    And than Milbank’s whole “OMG Huckabee’s trying to make the world fat” schtick. What a clown. I work out just so I can stuff myself silly with awesome things like beautiful Chick-Fil-A sammiches. Plus Chick-Fil-A sammiches are easily one of the best fast food sammiches for you.

    I’ll be there on Wednesday thanks to Huckabee for Breakfast and will be getting a chicken, egg and cheese bagel sammich, a chicken and biscuit sammich and an order of hash browns. I’m so hungry now thinking about it I might even go tomorrow morning to!

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